Releases for November 2010
11/30/2010 Media Advisory -- Tree Planting
11/30/2010 Business college graduates give back
11/30/2010 Mock disaster will serve as students’ final exam
Study seeks answers to ADHD-dyslexia in children
11/29/2010 Students document communities through photos
11/29/2010 SIUC again earns recognition as military-friendly
11/29/2010 Flags lowered to honor slain officer
11/29/2010 40th annual Kwanzaa celebration set at SIUC
11/29/2010 Kleinau theater hosts performance art Dec. 2-4
11/23/2010 Media Advisory -- Reception-News Conference
11/23/2010 Reception will honor Sheila Simon for service
11/23/2010 Nominations sought for annual Sturgis award
11/23/2010 Aviation faculty to assist airport with safety effort
Expert suggests zoysia as a green ‘supergrass’
11/23/2010 HIV/AIDS Awareness Week programs planned
11/23/2010 Art Over Easy 6 set for Dec. 3 at Surplus Gallery
11/22/2010 Funds will assist employees, support scholarships
11/22/2010 Housing staff, programs capture recognition
11/19/2010 Ebbs honored for online, distance education efforts
Davey wins award for work with young people
11/19/2010 School of Music to present the 'Magnificat'
11/18/2010 Waring to present 16th Emeritus Faculty Lecture
11/18/2010 Gary Minish named provost-senior vice chancellor
11/18/2010 'Go Global' seminar will launch trade center
11/17/2010 Researchers to assess teen substance abuse project
Students find experiences in Kenya life-changing
11/17/2010 Transitions
11/17/2010 Program helps move innovation ideas to market
Brynn Freed earns 'Ultimate Saluki' honors
11/17/2010 32nd Annual Holiday Craft Sale set for Dec. 2-4
Ten questions with ... Bryan Dallas
11/17/2010 Performance will feature both opera and jazz
11/17/2010 Faculty, graduate students’ art now on display
Scientists look to counter new soybean virus
11/16/2010 Flags lowered to honor war casualty
11/16/2010 Care packages will help relieve final exam stress
11/16/2010 Art students preparing for holiday sales events
Business students fare well at national conference
11/15/2010 2011 homecoming, family weekend dates set
Researcher helps uncover new genus of plants
11/12/2010 Award-winning journalist to offer election insights
11/12/2010 Forum at SIUC will focus on Second Amendment
11/12/2010 Horsemanship sessions set for Dec. 4
11/12/2010 Flags lowered to honor war casualty
11/10/2010 South Texas College of Law wins competition
Saluki Heritage Interpreters create understanding
11/10/2010 Flags lowered to honor war casualty
Ten questions with ... Megan Lotts
11/10/2010 Blanket drive will benefit those in need
11/10/2010 Library fund drive will help kids at Christmas
11/10/2010 Old Main Restaurant plans Thanksgiving Buffet
11/10/2010 Wilderness medical training workshops planned
11/10/2010 Area students, families welcome at college fair
11/09/2010 Automotive technology students win scholarships
11/09/2010 SIUC officers to participate in specialized training
11/09/2010 Faculty member presents all-viola performance
11/08/2010 Civil Service Council to host trivia night
11/08/2010 Zaczek named permanent chair of forestry
11/08/2010 Flags lowered to honor war casualty
11/08/2010 Holiday murder mystery dinner set for Dec. 3
11/08/2010 23rd Annual Undergraduate Art Show opens Nov. 9
11/05/2010 Media Availability -- Jeffrey L. Sedgwick
Gray, Spakousky among nation’s top ROTC cadets
11/05/2010 Campus ceremony will mark Veterans Day
11/05/2010 Aviation open house set for prospective students
11/05/2010 Leadership institute seeks members, presenters
11/05/2010 RSS recognizes student employees' efforts
11/05/2010 Donlevy, Hoffman earn honors from RSS
11/05/2010 Media Advisory -- Building Bridges 2010
11/05/2010 Eclectic music performance on tap Nov. 10
11/05/2010 Gwaltney heads scholarship advisement office
11/04/2010 Event explores careers for women in science, math
11/04/2010 Luechtefeld, Bradley to offer election perspectives
11/04/2010 Flags lowered to honor firefighter
11/04/2010 Artists can donate works to Art Over Easy 6
11/04/2010 Husband-wife musical team to teach, perform
11/03/2010 Former Justice official to discuss policing, crime
11/03/2010 Sustainability Council seeks student member
11/03/2010 SIUC to celebrate ‘Non-Trad Week’ Nov. 7-13
Ten questions with ... Rita VanPelt
11/02/2010 Law schools hosts moot court competition Nov. 5-6
Forestry student helps children learn about nature
11/02/2010 School of Music alumni will 'sing for a cure'
11/02/2010 Extern Program application deadline is Nov. 19
'Semester Away' programs benefit law students
11/01/2010 Annual fall drag show set for Nov. 12
11/01/2010 Astronomer David Levy to speak at SIUC