Releases for April 2020
04/30/2020 Donations sought for ‘Recycle Your Bicycle’
SIU campus donates needed items to local health and safety agencies
04/29/2020 SIU’s Research Park is surveying businesses about pandemic impact
Sunset Concerts canceled for 2020
04/27/2020 Candidate withdraws from SIU Carbondale chancellor search
Simon Institute to host author, historian David Kennedy in virtual talk
04/24/2020 2020 Rickert-Ziebold nominees recognized for their work
04/23/2020 Virtual event to explore ways that climate change and pandemic offer parallel lessons
04/22/2020 Sustainability Council applications being accepted
04/22/2020 SIU is cancelling summer camps for 2020
SIU awards grants to 10 sustainability projects
04/21/2020 SIU is sponsoring virtual fitness events and activities
04/20/2020 Remaining Microsoft Teams training for April
More than $240,000 raised to help SIU Carbondale students
04/20/2020 Chancellor finalist virtual interviews continue this week
SIU is first state university to deliver in key COVID-19 test substance shortage
04/16/2020 Tips for maintaining and finding your ‘voice’
SIU manufactures, donates 3D-printed face shields to SIH
04/16/2020 New Student Programs orientations will go virtual
SIU student innovators hosting online interactive workshop
04/14/2020 Organization honors three SIU School of Health Sciences students
Faculty and students step up to the challenge of a quick change to online education
04/14/2020 Chancellor finalist virtual interviews begin Thursday
Plan ahead to successfully conduct business remotely
SIU Carbondale to conduct virtual interviews with three finalists for chancellor
04/08/2020 University establishes employee guidelines for Coronavirus Response Act
SIU faculty join statewide effort to manufacture critical COVID-19 test ingredient
2020 Southern Illinois Music Festival is postponed
SIU economic development experts available to assist businesses
04/06/2020 Three SIU students win prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship awards
04/06/2020 SIU Head Start program employees earn statewide awards
04/03/2020 Tips and resources available to prevent ‘Zoombombing’
04/03/2020 Student employee payroll plan released today
04/03/2020 Saluki Entrepreneur Corps is sponsoring Zoom webinars this month
04/01/2020 Faculty and staff have resources to help on the job, at home