Accomplishments - August, 2019

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Jyotsna Kapur, University Honors Program, will present “What is home in a capitalist world? At 7 p.m., Sept. 12, at Southeast Missouri State University’s Catapult Creative House in Cape Girardeau. The lecture is part of the university’s “After Hours: Conversations on Art and Culture” series.

In honor of Jerry Becker, Curriculum and Instruction, a former student and her husband recently established the “Jerry P. Becker Annual Fellowship in Mathematics Education” at Rutgers University, via a $100,000 donation to the school where Becker was previously a tenured faculty member. The donation will be sufficient to establish many graduate student fellowships in that field, beginning in fall 2020.

Edward Benyas, School of Music, founder, artistic director and conductor of the Southern Illinois Music Festival, was recently selected the new Education Award recipient for WSIU Public Broadcasting’s One Region, All Neighbors initiative. The Good Neighbor Award is inspired by Fred Rogers and recognizes those who make a positive impact in the community.

Walter Davis, undergraduate advisement, will present “Let’s Talk About the Dark Arts of Diversity & Inclusion” at the 2019 Illinois Academic Advising Association (ILACADA) conference Sept. 19 at SIU Edwardsville. ILACADA is a professional organization that represents academic advisers throughout the state.

At the 14th International Naturalistic Decision Making Conference in June, Peter Fadde, Curriculum & Instruction, received the “Gary A. Klein Award for Best Contribution to NDM Theory” for his paper titled “Beyond ‘Prove It’ to ‘Improve It’: Video-Occlusion to Train Baseball Pitch Recognition.” The multi-disciplinary NDM movement studies expert decision making in military, medical, and other areas of performance. Fadde’s paper traces the adaptation of a laboratory research method (video-occlusion) into a technology for training baseball batters. Fadde, who is professor and coordinator of the Learning Systems Design and Technology (LSDT) graduate program, consults with several Major League Baseball teams.

Xuhong Shang, School of Art and Design, has a solo exhibition, “White Shadow” curated and presented by the de Pot in Shanghai, China, from July 28 through Aug. 16. The exhibition is a cultural landscape presentation and exploration of this expression. The de Pot, an experimental art space, is located at the corner of the street with a traditional vegetable market in the old French Concession of Shanghai.

Cinzia Padovani, Radio, Television, and Digital Media, presented a paper “The significance of gender within fascist social movements: an ethnographic approach” at the Century of the Radical Right inaugural conference at the American University of Richmond, in London, England, May 14-17. The paper provided fresh insight on aspects related to gender, women’s roles and the ultra-right.

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