Accomplishments - September, 2019

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“Documentary Resistance: Social Change and Participatory Media” a book by Angela Aguayo, Cinema and Photography, was published earlier this month. The book offers a new approach to understanding the networked capacity of documentary media to create public commons areas, crafting connections between unlikely interlocutors. This book advances a new argument that a documentary’s capacity for social change is found in its ability to establish forms of collective identification and political agency capable of producing and sustaining activist media cultures.

Virginia Tilley, Political Science, is giving three lectures this week at Illinois Wesleyan University. She is presenting guest lectures in American Foreign Policy on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process; a guest lecture on conflict resolution on the Middle East apartheid debate, and a public presentation to the Bloomington, Illinois, campus and community on “Re-imaging Palestine: From Two States to One.”

Nancy Mundschenk, Teacher Preparation program director, attended the Scaling Educational Pathways in Illinois (SEPI) Community of Practice Summit in Bloomington, Illinois, on Sept. 17. The summit focused on the statewide effort to build teacher education pipelines that will address the ongoing teacher shortage in Illinois

Amy Etcheson, SIU Press, was recently accepted into the Association of University Presses Directors’ Residency Program for a residency to be completed by Feb. 29, 2020. She will spend a few days at The Ohio State University Press working with director and SIU Carbondale alumnus Tony Sanfilippo. Established in 2018, the AUP Directors Residency Program provides travel funding for directors to spend a few days visiting and learning from another member presses.

Robert Spahr, Cinema and Photography, presented a paper “Generative Art Processes in Art and Science” at the annual International Generative Art Conference in Rome, Italy, in June. Spahr discussed generative processes in his creative work and teaching methods used in classes he teaches.

“Spectacle Terror Lynching, Public Sovereignty, and Antiblack Genocide,” an article by Alfred Frankowski, Philosophy, was published recently by the Journal of Speculative Philosophy.

Father Joseph A. Brown, Africana Studies, gave the opening keynote for “Open Minds, Loving Hearts & an Engaged Community” a one-day diversity and inclusion conference, Sept. 6, for faculty, staff and students at the University of Notre Dame.

Jan Thompson, Radio. Television, and Digital Media, was interviewed last month on “This Morning,” the first all-English speaking radio station in Seoul, South Korea. Topics included her film on prisoners-of-war, “Never The Same;” her work with the Japanese government and the United States State Department sending POWs and their families back to Japan for reconciliation, and the Mitsubishi Materials apology to POWs for using them as slave labor.

Robin Warne, School of Biological Sciences, presented "Of microbes and frogs: role of gut microbes in amphibian development, physiology and disease" as part of a School of Biological Sciences’ seminar series on Sept. 5 at Illinois State University.

Jon Davey and Michael D. Brazley, School of Architecture, presented their respective research papers at the International Conference on Civil and Architectural Engineering recently in Singapore. Davey presented “The Ramifications of Teaching Design Studio Online” and Brazley presented “The Next Generation Learning Technology In Urban Planning And Property Development.”

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