Accomplishments - August, 2015

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Michael Grey, Radiologic Sciences, presented at the 2015 American Society of Radiologic Technologists Educational Symposium in late June in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Grey, coordinator of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computed Tomography (MRI/CT) program, presented “Sectional Anatomy With Pathologic Correlation: Select Case Studies of the Central Nervous System.”

Marcea Walter, Health Care Management, has been added to the Mid-America Health Care Executives Forum (MAHCEF) Diversity Committee. MAHCEF is a chapter of the American College of Health Care Executives.

Faith Miller, Dental Hygiene, has a peer-reviewed paper titled “Addressing Whitening-Related Sensitivity,” published in the July 2015 edition of “Dimensions of Dental Hygiene.” The journal is widely read among practitioners, students and educators. 

Seung-Hee Lee, program director, and Jane E. Workman, emeritus professor, Fashion Design & Merchandising, and a third co-author, recently received “Best Paper Award” and “Outstanding Paper Award,” at the Society of Open Innovation’s Technology Market, and Complexity (SOItmC) and Knowledge Cities World Summit (KCWS), in June, in DGIST, Daegu, Korea. The “Best Paper” was for “The Influence of need for touch and gender on Internet shopping attitudes,” and the second paper was “What Knowledge Activities Promote Creativity.”

William H. Freivogel, School of Journalism, will receive an “Excellence in Journalism Award” from The Missouri Bar during The Missouri Press Association’s convention on Sept. 12 in Columbia, Mo. Freivogel is receiving the award for his “in-depth series of articles” to St. Louis Public Radio explaining the complex legal process through the aftermath of Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Mo., in August 2014. 

Andy Morgan, acting associate dean of students, has been named to the National Board of Directors of Gamma Sigma Alpha, a national academic Greek Honor Society. The organization is committed to the academic success of its members. The board serves as an advisory board for Gamma Sigma Alpha. SIU Carbondale has had a chapter since 2010. 

A bill initiated by Cindy Buys, director of international law programs, SIU School of Law, and with assistance of the Illinois State Bar Association, was signed into law by Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner on July 30. The law increases compliance in notifying consular officials when foreign nationals are detained. The law, effective Jan. 1, 2016, is found here. 

Jan Thompson, professor, Radio, Television, and Digital Media, was honored for her work as president of the American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor Memorial Society, when Sen. Mark Kirk, R-Illinois, commemorated her work on behalf of World War II POWs into the Congressional Record. She attended the private ceremony July 20 at the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles, Calif., during which Mitsubishi Materials Corp. executives apologized for using American POWs as forced labor in company mines during World War II.

Liz Hunter, Jessica Mann, and Alexis Ray, University Communications and Marketing, web communications, were honored as the university’s newly designed website was ranked No. 1 in web accessibility for people with disabilities from among 140 other universities.  The honor was in a poster presentation at the Association of Higher Education and Disability in St. Paul, Minn., July 13-18. Launched in April, the university’s website takes all aspects of accessibility into consideration and prepares for expected future changes to the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Rae Goldsmith, University Communications and Marketing, chaired a conference and delivered multiple presentations at the Council for Advancement and Support of Education’s five-day Summer Institute in Communications and Marketing in Burlington, Vermont in mid-July.





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