Accomplishments - November, 2020

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Cinzia Padovani, associate professor, Radio, Television, and Digital Media, gave a virtual invited talk Nov. 20 on the role of Italian journalists when reporting on the ultra-right. The discussion for the Centre for Research in Communication and Culture speakers series at the University of Loughborough included results of interviews with professional journalists.

“Confinement as a Two-Stage Turning Point” by Audrey Hickert, assistant professor, School of Justice and Public Safety, and three colleagues, was published in the journal “Criminology” earlier this month.

“Sandinista Narratives: Religion, Sandinismo, and Emotions in the Making of the Nicaraguan Insurrection and Revolution” (Lexington Books: forthcoming in December 2020) by Jean-Pierre Reed, Sociology, examines the cultural, ideological, eventful and emotional factors behind the Nicaraguan insurrection and revolution.

Cinzia Padovani, associate professor, Radio, Television, and Digital Media, gave a virtual invited talk Nov. 11 on “Journalists’ Roles and the Ultra-Right: the case of Italy” as a part of the University of Cardiff’s School of Journalism speakers series.

Two SIU faculty members were co-authors of “Surgically Implanting River Otters with Intra-Abdominal Radiotransmitters Using Reversible Non-DEA Scheduled Drugs,” a poster presentation by Tatiana Gettelman, a graduate research assistant with the Cooperative Wildlife Research Laboratory. The presentation earned Best Student Poster at The Wildlife Society 2020 Virtual Conference recently. The poster was co-authored by Clay Nielsen (CWRL and Forestry), Joe Scimeca (Office of Sponsored Projects Administration) and Eric Schauber (Illinois Natural History Survey).

Omid Kamran Disfani, School of Management and Marketing, provided his thoughts recently about cash back credit cards for WalletHub.

Jan Thompson, director of the School of Journalism, presented “Food for the Ancestors,” a virtual media presentation for Culinary Historians of Northern Illinois on Nov. 1. The presentation included Thompson’s 1999 documentary on PBS and discussion on preparations for the traditional Mexican festival Days of the Dead, during the last week of October.

Sarah Lewison, Radio, Television, and Digital Media, gave a virtual presentation last month on “The Anthropocene River: the Mississippi, technology and displacement” to a seminar at the University of Technology-Sydney in Australia. The talk, based on her essay “Measuring Loss,” about reparations, addresses legacies of injustice from the periods of colonization, slavery and Jim Crow in relation to current tensions over land and property within the Delta.

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