Accomplishments - March, 2020

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Belle Woodward, Information Systems Technologies, completed training to become a certified Palo Alto Networks Cybersecurity Academy Instructor. She is also trained and certified as an instructor by the National Center for Systems Security and Information Assurance for VMware VSphere.

Reid Perkins-Buzo, Radio, Television, and Digital Media, will present his Research in Progress proposal, “Deep Learning Applications for the Production of Animation” at the Broadcast Education Association Conference in April in Las Vegas, Nevada.

“Governing Affect: Neoliberalism and Disaster Reconstruction” and “Disaster Upon Disaster,” two books by Roberto E. Barrios, Anthropology, are showcased on a “new reads” list by the University of Colorado’s Natural Hazards Center. The center, a leading National Science Foundation-designated information clearing house, compiles this list to highlight cutting-edge research that bridges the gap between academics and practitioners focused on disaster risk reduction.

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