Accomplishments - February, 2019

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D. John McIntyre, Curriculum and Instruction, received the Duaine C. Lang Distinguished Mentor in Teacher Education Award at the recent annual conference of the Association of Teacher Educators in Atlanta, Georgia.

“Childhood obesity and academic performance among elementary public school children” by Jeb Asirvatham. Agribusiness Economics and two faculty members at the University of Arkansas, is published in the journal “Educational Research.”  The study examines whether obesity has a negative influence on a child’s academic performance.

Jacob Juntunen, Theater, presented “Binging on Classic Drama in Stray Dog Theater’s ‘The Crucible,’” his first review as a Performing Arts reviewer for KDXH in St. Louis earlier this month.

Reid Perkins-Buzo, Radio, Television, and Digital Media, was recently selected one of 70 winners in Amazon’s Sumerian Group AR/VR Challenge Hackathon for his Buckminster Fuller Exhibit prototype. There were 1,295 entries.

John T. Shaw, Paul Simon Public Policy Institute, will be speaking of President John F. Kennedy during a presentation “Fact vs. Fiction: Lincoln and Kennedy” at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum in Springfield for a President’s Day related-event on Feb. 19.

Cheng-Yao Lin, Curriculum and Instruction, was recently appointed department editor of the new National Council of Teachers of Mathematics practitioner journal, “Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12.” The journal launches in January 2020 and reflects the current practices of mathematics education and looks at the future of the field.

Maria Claudia Franca and Valerie Boyer, Rehabilitation Services, will speak this week at the Illinois Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention in Chicago. Boyer is presenting “ELL and Emergent Literacy” and Franca and former faculty member Salim Al-Ani are presenting “Diversity pathways – From Awareness to Competence” and “Long-reach diversity: International Collaboration.”

“Hotspotters: New Evolution of Interprofessional Collaboration” a paper by Thomas Shaw, Jessica Cataldo and Sandra Collins, Health Care Management, has been accepted for the 2019 Association for University Programs in Health Administration conference in New Orleans, Louisiana in June.
“Confessions of a Barefaced Woman” by Allison Joseph, MFA creative writing director, won the Gold/First Place award in the Feathered Quill Book Awards Program in the poetry category. The semi-autobiographical work looks at both the “light-hearted and harsh realities of modern black womanhood.”

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