SIU in the News - December, 2020

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Newsradio WJPF interview with John Jackson

Dec. 29, 2020

John Jackson, Paul Simon Public Policy Institute, discusses issues facing Illinois.

SIU brings Bucky’s legacy to a new generation

WSIU InFocus – Dec. 28, 2020

Jay Needham, Radio, Television, Digital Media and Craig Anz, School of Architecture, discuss a University Honors program on connecting sound as a part of the build environment.

SIU Tree Walk Organizers Finish Online Virtual Tree Walk

WSIU-FM – Dec. 18, 2020

The SIU Forestry Club and Tree Campus Higher Education Committee had to cancel their annual campus tree walk in the fall because of COVID-19.

False donations: how to tell where funds will be going

WSIL-TV – Dec. 11, 2020

Jennifer Brobst, SIU School of Law, discusses the importance of research before donating to a charity.

NewsRadio WJPF interview with Austin Lane

WJPF -- Dec. 8, 2020

Chancellor Austin Lane discusses several topics, including the university’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the nursing program and commencement.

Crop at risk, SIU professor builds better pumpkin

St. Louis Post-Dispatch – Dec. 6, 2020

The region’s pumpkin crop is at risk, largely due to climate change. But a Southern Illinois University professor is breeding a variety that can stand the heat, in hopes of saving local varieties of a state cash cow. 

Looking back and forward, SIUC's chancellor sees opportunity

WSIU InFocus - Dec. 8, 2020

Chancellor Austin Lane discusses the fall 2020 semester and sees future opportunities.

Former SIU President Somit, who died in August, remembered as intelligent problem-solver

Southern Illinoisan - Dec. 8, 2020

Former SIU President Albert Somit died in August at the age of 100.  

SIU to bestow honorary doctoral degree on Dr. Ngozi Ezike, state health director leading Illinois' pandemic response

Southern Illinoisan – Dec. 4, 2020

Southern Illinois University Carbondale will bestow an honorary Doctor of Community Health degree on Dr. Ngozi Ezike, the Illinois Department of Public Health director who has guided the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic month after grueling month.

SIU professor finds possible breakthrough in controlling carp

KFVS-TV – Dec. 3, 2020

Gregory Whitledge, Zoology, has discovered an important clue on controlling the invasive grass carp that threatens the Great Lakes and America’s rivers.

SIU in the News highlights selected media coverage featuring the work and contributions of the university and members of the SIU community. Contact Pete Rosenbery, University Communications and Marketing,, 618-453-1439, to add or remove faculty and staff from the internal distribution list.

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