October 07, 2024

SIU units can win prizes in Green Office Challenge launching this month

by Christi Mathis

The SIU Sustainability Office is launching the Green Office Challenge, an initiative to inspire faculty and staff to follow more sustainable practices in their workplaces, and all departments across campus are invited to participate in the event being held in conjunction with the university’s celebration of October as Sustainability Month.

“We encourage departments and units to enjoy the fun competition and collaborate to reduce their environmental impact as they earn points by completing various sustainable actions and practices,” said Aimee Lemrise, sustainability director. “By implementing simple, effective strategies, they can minimize waste and promote a culture of sustainability.”

The key focus areas for the challenge include:

  • Energy efficiency — turning off lights and electronic devices when not in use and engaging in sustainable commuting practices.
  • Waste reduction — reducing waste associated with items like coffee and increasing ink and toner recycling.
  • Green office environment — incorporating plants and greenery in the office, which has been shown to enhance air quality, reduce rates of illness and absence, reduce noise and stress and create a generally healthier workplace.

“Our workplaces have a significant environmental impact, so it’s important to provide this opportunity to enhance campus office sustainability,” Lemrise said. “We look forward to seeing various offices join in and showcase their creativity and competitive spirit. Let’s work together to become leaders in sustainability within our campus and set a precedent for other institutions.” 

Sign up to participate in the challenge online. The deadline to register is Oct. 18, and the contest concludes Dec. 13. Plans call for another competition during the spring 2025 semester.

After registering, each office will receive a checklist of sustainability actions, such as reducing waste, conducting energy audits, doing an office makeover and more. The office will provide a variety of resources and tips throughout the month to help people make their workplaces and home environments more sustainable. Teams will record and track their progress, and the top three performing units will receive awards.

Take the survey

The Sustainability Hub has also launched a survey to gather opinions from faculty, staff and students about the services, programs and products the Sustainability Office offers. Feedback will be used to tailor future activities and offerings to meet the needs and preferences of those at SIU. Complete the survey online no later than Oct. 18.

Faculty asked to join the Sustainability Council

In addition, the SIU Sustainability Council is seeking faculty members who are dedicated and passionate about sustainability to join the council, where they can contribute to campus initiatives, collaborate on projects that have an impact and help shape the future of campus sustainability. Find additional details and the application on the webpage. Submit completed membership applications by emailing to greenfund@siu.edu and denoting “Sustainability Council Application” in the subject line.

Applications will be accepted until the open seat is filled. The council includes four students, three faculty and three staff members.

Visit the Sustainability website to learn more about the numerous SIU initiatives and activities. Call 618-453-2846 or email sustainbility@siu.edu with questions.