July 25, 2024
Volunteers needed to help Salukis move in this fall
CARBONDALE, Ill. — Volunteers from the campus and community can help roll out the welcome mat for new and returning Salukis by assisting their move into their new homes before the fall 2024 semester begins at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
Individuals and groups are encouraged to sign up by Aug. 8 to be part of the “move-in crew” to help on these dates and locations:
- Sunday, Aug. 11- early arrival students, select locations on campus, 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
- Wednesday, Aug. 14 – first-year/new students, all residence hall locations, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
- Friday, Aug. 16 – returning students, select locations, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Organizers say volunteers are a huge help and also generate good will while giving SIU and community volunteer organizations an opportunity to be seen and recognized for their efforts.
Volunteers are encouraged to wear shirts identifying their organizations or communities. Saluki colors or other appropriate attire also are welcome. Due to the heat and the work they will be doing, volunteers are asked to dress appropriately, including wearing closed-toed athletic shoes.
“We are hoping that our students can see the vibrancy of Southern Illinois community groups and the array of opportunities around them and think about how they, too, can get involved,” said Kendra Bumpus, director of University Housing and Residence Life.
Safety first
All volunteers must submit a liability waiver and will receive a move-in volunteer lanyard so they will easily be identifiable as a trusted member of the “Move-in Squad” by Salukis and their families. Volunteers should bring signed waivers with them when they check in at the volunteer tents. A limited number of waivers will be available on site. Each member of a group must have a waiver and lanyard.
The volunteer tent on west campus, serving the Thompson Point area, will be located outside of Baldwin Hall, across the street from Lentz Hall. On east campus, serving the Towers area, it will be outside of Grinnell Hall, facing Mae Smith Hall. Watch for signs.
The lanyards are part of the security measures put in place to help ensure only authorized volunteers are onsite. Only volunteers wearing lanyards will be allowed at move-in.
Sign up now
Volunteers can sign up for up to two shifts per day and will commit to helping the entire time they sign up for, assisting any student moving in that day who needs help.
Anyone age 18 or older is welcome to lend a hand. Find the complete details, including the liability waiver and links to sign up to help via the Sign-Up Genius on the SIU University Housing move-in volunteer webpage. Each timeslot will reflect the number of volunteers still needed.
Email housing@siu.edu with questions.
University Housing is also offering volunteers reduced price meals on move-in days at Trueblood and Lentz Halls. All meals will be just $7 on Aug. 14 and 16, substantially less than the regular price. In addition, during this time faculty and staff can purchase the Block20 meal plan at the special price of $190. The normal price for the 20 meals would be about $250.