April 15, 2024
HR to implement new employee onboarding features May 1
Human Resources will provide an improved employee onboarding experience for both employees and hiring managers beginning May 1.
The second phase of the NEOED Online Hiring Center is underway and will replace the Notice of Appointment and Adobe Sign hiring paperwork processes. The change will improve the onboarding experiences for new employees affiliated with SIU Carbondale for the first time, returning employees and present employees who are taking another job on campus. It is designed to ensure new hires are ready on their first day.
The new system will allow new hires to complete paperwork; get a feel for SIU Carbondale’s culture, mission and values, and better understand their job duties.
The improvements are also valuable for managers and anyone who is involved in the hiring process. A live online training session for hiring managers will be at noon April 29. The session will be recorded and available on D2L. More information on the training session is available at neoed.siu.edu.
This is for permanent employees and does not impact or change the hiring process for extra help, graduate assistant or student employees.
There will also be offboarding functionality that will assign tasks to employees leaving the university and give supervisors the reassurance they need to successfully transition duties and manage the separation.
For more details about training and access for hiring managers, and the latest updates, please refer to neoed.siu.edu.