February 19, 2024

OIT to launch upgraded support system

The Office of Information Technology (OIT) will launch a new Tikit request portal on Tuesday, Feb. 20, to provide faculty, staff and students with technical support that is more efficient and user-friendly.

The new portal will resemble a chat system. Rather than trying to find the right request form, users will see a box where they can type exactly what they are looking for (for example, “reset my password”). Based on the text that the user enters, the portal will provide them with information to walk them through the process. If a user needs assistance from OIT, the request will automatically be submitted to the appropriate department, reducing the time that it would have taken for SalukiTech to manually review and forward requests. The user will be contacted if additional information is needed and/or when their request has been completed. 

Instead of ithelp.siu.edu, users will visit https://web.tikit.ai/requests. Microsoft Teams users can also employ an ITHelp Virtual Assistant app on the menu bar to submit requests. Any places on SIU websites with the old link will automatically redirect users to the new Tikit request portal. However, if users have the old link bookmarked, they will need to save the new URL. 

As always, if users have questions, SalukiTech is available to help. Call 618-453-5155, email salukitech@siu.edu or start a live chat at salukitech.siu.edu during standard SIU business hours.