September 21, 2023

Mandatory cybersecurity training begins next Monday

The university’s cybersecurity training for faculty and staff will be available, starting on Monday, Sept. 25.  The training is mandatory for all employees listed below:

  • SIU Carbondale faculty and staff, including civil service, administrative/professional, extra help and volunteers.
  • SIU President’s Office staff members.
  • All SIU System Office staff members.

The deadline to complete the training is Friday, Oct. 20.

Employees with the SIU School of Medicine in both Carbondale and Springfield are exempt from this training; they have a separate cybersecurity training course to complete.

The cybersecurity training will be available in D2L. The course is composed of short modules, each requiring only a few minutes to review and complete. The course will take about 1 hour to finish. Users can take the course at their own pace and can pause after a module and return later.

The Office of Information Technology reminds everyone that the entire campus community has a role in maintaining SIU’s security against cybercrime — knowing the preventative measures outlined in this course will enhance that security. It takes only one mistake, made by one person, to open the door for criminal activity. Once a criminal has access, it can cost you, others and the university more than just time and money – a single breach can destroy hard-earned trust.

To mitigate risk, this training provides users with the information and resources needed to be diligent and secure. Together, we can protect the university and the campus community from cyber threats.

The experts in SalukiTech are available to answer questions related to the course or assist with any technical difficulties, if needed. Contact SalukiTech at 618-453-5155 or