Person riding a racing bicycle. He is dressed in a white and red racing shirt, black shorts, helmet, shoes, and sunglasses.

Photo provided

May 09, 2023

2023 Saluki Triathlon set for June 17

by Christi Mathis

CARBONDALE, Ill. — The Saluki Triathlon returns to Southern Illinois University Carbondale on June 17, and this year, organizers are offering a duathlon option as well. Signup is now underway, and everyone is welcome.

This is the third annual Recreational Sports and Services swim, run and bike event, initially known as the King Tut Strut Triathlon. This year’s competitor pool will expand with the addition of the concurrent bike and run duathlon, which is open to younger participants.

The events

The triathlon includes a 0.2-mile swim in Campus Lake, a 5-mile bicycle ride around the southwest side of campus and a 2-mile run on the trail circling the lake. Anyone age 12 or older may participate.

At the same time, the duathlon will take place featuring the 5-mile bike ride and 2-mile run only. This event is open to all ages; children ages 8 or younger can register free.

Both events kick off at 8 a.m.

Sign up now

Advance registration is now open. The cost is $35 for the solo triathlon, or $30 for the sprint relay triathlon. Sign up for the duathlon for $25.

SIU students can save $10 for any of the races by using the code SalukiTri10.

Walk-up registrations will be accepted at the race up until 7:59 a.m. as space allows. There are a limited number of spots. Sign up online.

Winners earn prizes 

Race winners will earn medals. The top three competitors in each of these divisions will receive an award:

  • Triathlon Sprint Solo (male, female, nonbinary).
  • Triathlon Sprint Team (each team member will receive a medal).
  • Duathlon Solo.

The race begins and ends at the Becker Pavilion on Campus Lake, a site totally renovated a few years ago. Although public swimming isn’t usually available on the lake, a small sandy beach area next to the pavilion accommodates events such as the Saluki Triathlon and the annual Cardboard Boat Regatta.

Awards will be presented about a half-hour after the last competitor finishes.

Volunteers needed

Organizers are also seeking volunteers to assist with the Saluki Triathlon. They will provide directions and assure the safety of participants during the bicycling and running phases of the event. About 40 volunteers are needed. Sign up online to help.

Learn more

The complete details for the event, along with registration, can be found at For information, email