March 28, 2023
Media Advisory: School administrators law and leadership conference to draw large crowd
CARBONDALE, Ill. — About 200 people, including about 165 school administrators from central and Southern Illinois, vendors and presenters from leading state school law firms and from educational leadership organizations, will be attending the 2023 SI School Administrators Law and Leadership Conference on Thursday, March 30.
Reporters, photographers and news crews are invited to cover the Southern Illinois University Carbondale Educational Administration program event, which takes place in the F Building at John A. Logan College in Carterville. During the first part of the lunch period, representatives of the conference and the educational organizations will be available for interviews.
The event begins with a continental breakfast at 8 a.m. followed by welcome from Gary Kelly, educational administration clinical assistant professor, at 8:30 a.m. Throughout the day, there will be a wide variety of informational sessions featuring faculty from SIU’s educational administration programs, attorneys and officers/representatives of the state’s educational leadership organizations, including the Illinois Association of School Boards, the Illinois High School Association, the Illinois Association of School Administrators, the Illinois Principals Association and the Illinois Association of School Business Officials. Experts will cover a wide variety of topics, including legal updates, the impact of Faith’s Law on schools, legislative updates, staffing matters, collective bargaining and much more.
Sara Boucek, partner in the law firm Kriha Boucek LLC will present the luncheon keynote address, “Leading with Passion,” at noon. Boucek specializes in K-12 education law and is the former general counsel of the Illinois Association of School Administrators.
Find additional information about the conference, which wraps up about 4 p.m., and schedule online. Contact Kelly at or 618-318-3734 for information.