January 30, 2023

SIU community invited to ‘Lessons You Don’t Learn in School’ that lead to career success

by Christi Mathis

CARBONDALE, Ill. — Faculty, staff and students are invited to “Lessons You Don’t Learn in School: How Failure, Authenticity and Confidence Lead to Career Success” from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Feb. 7 via Zoom.

Courtney-Stanley-sm.jpgThe College of Business and Analytics’ Office of Diversity and Inclusion is sponsoring the free event featuring Courtney Stanley, a globally recognized award-winning speaker, emcee and host of “Dare to Interrupt,” a podcast for women in business.

Stanley will share secrets for building a successful and fulfilling career and offer ways to turn setbacks into comebacks. She is the co-founder of #MeetingsToo, the award-winning movement founded to prevent sexual misconduct at meetings. She is a sought-after speaker, known as an impactful changemaker in the event and hospitality industry.

Register online to join the conversation or email Jennifer Butler, the college’s director of diversity and inclusion, at jennifer.butler1@siu.edu.

All students who participate will be entered into a drawing where they can win an individualized coaching session with Stanley.