November 17, 2022

Mandated CSA, Title IX training deadline is Dec. 10

Faculty and staff at SIU Carbondale and the SIU School of Medicine who have been identified as a Campus Security Authority (CSA) and Title IX Responsible Employee are reminded to complete the mandated training by Dec. 10.

About 650 employees received an email on Nov. 10 from D Stafford and Associates with employee-specific links to access the training. This training will help each person who is identified as a CSA or Title IX Responsible Employee meet their annual training needs and will assist the university in complying with the Clery Act and/or Title IX. The courses are updated with new material to meet the requirements and changes in the regulations and guidance, as necessary.

Those identified employees have three attempts to achieve an 80% or higher score. After passing, please be sure and print your certificate

For assistance or more information, contact Sgt. Carrie Keith, SIU Department of Public Safety, at 618-453-3771 or

University employees and contractors who are identified as CSAs have federally mandated responsibilities to report Clery Act crimes that are reported to them. The training is mandated by the U.S. Department of Education.

The intent of including non‐law enforcement personnel in the role of CSA is to acknowledge that some community members and students in particular may be hesitant about reporting crime to the police, but may be more inclined to report incidents to other campus‐affiliated individuals.