October 06, 2022

Safety at SIU

The safety of faculty, staff and students is SIU Carbondale’s top priority. When an emergency arises, the university communicates information to the campus community in several ways.

If the Department of Public Safety confirms an immediate threat to campus, DPS will immediately notify students and employees. If you have an siu.edu email account, you are automatically enrolled in the emergency alert system and will receive a message to your university account. You can also sign up to receive alerts by text or follow DPS on Twitter (@SIUC_Police), where alerts are also posted. Learn more about emergency alerts.

In addition to alerts, officers from DPS frequently meet with small groups of students to discuss crime prevention. Information is also available on websites on emergency preparedness and safety, and videos with safety tips.

Other measures to keep the SIU community safe include the Brightway Path and emergency call boxes. Students can use SIU Safe Walk, through which they can request an escort from the Department of Public Safety. At night, students can also use the free Night Safety Transit, a door-to-door service that takes students between the main campus and the residence halls and will take students to other locations as it can. 

Our Department of Public Safety responds to every call, and it works closely with the Carbondale Police Department, often providing assistance and responding to situations involving mental health issues. SIU is grateful for our partners in the city of Carbondale. 

If students or employees witness disturbing or threatening behavior in person or on social media, they should call the SIU Police Department at 618-453-3771. Together, we can keep campus safe.