June 30, 2022

Help SIU save energy costs during the summer

In an effort to eliminate any wasteful use of energy on campus this summer and reduce energy costs, Facilities and Energy Management is asking employees and students to help conserve energy. 

You may be aware that there is an increased risk of temporary, controlled outages across the Southern Illinois region due to a shortage of energy capacity. Energy suppliers have appealed to both industrial customers and the public to conserve energy and reduce load where possible as summer temperatures get hotter. 

Here are ways that faculty, staff and students can help: 

  • Please turn off all office lights, and individual workplace lights, when your area is not being used.
  • Turn off any unused office or lab equipment including PCs, copiers and printers.
  • Properly shut all outside windows and doors.
  • Close window blinds.
  • Report any heating or cooling systems that are malfunctioning or operating unnecessarily.