May 19, 2022

Towers network infrastructure upgrade underway

Work continues in upgrading the student living experience in Mae Smith, Neely and Schneider residence halls by adding 1,500 new access points and installing new wiring to almost 1,300 rooms. The Office of Information Technology notes the upgrades will dramatically increase internet access and internet speed for students in the residence halls, improve general access, reliability and bandwith. 

OIT notes that students bring an average of seven technology devices to campus, most needing connectivity. The upgrades will also enable students to enjoy activities including video streaming and gaming. 

With the new infrastructure in place, the Towers will offer better internet than any large-scale housing complex in the area. Students should enjoy high-quality internet access, similar to or better than what they have in their homes, according to OIT. 

The Towers project is expected to end in August prior to the students’ return to campus.