March 17, 2022

SIU alumnus presents ‘The Queer's Guide to Country Music’ on Friday

Colin Whitworth, a visiting guest artist and SIU alumnus, will bring his show “The Queer’s Guide to Country Music” to the Kleinau Theatre at 8 p.m. Friday, March 18.

The one-person show uses a variety of performance methodologies as it creates one queer’s guide to country music, according to the show description. “Living with/in the insider-outsider tensions of a young queer from a rural red state, ‘The Queer’s Guide to Country Music’ wrestles with the history of the genre to ask what it means, how it’s understood, and who is left behind by popular conceptions of country music history.”

The show is free and open to the public. The theater is on the second floor of the Communications Building. Audience members will be asked to wear masks. For reservations, email Individuals with disabilities are welcome; call 618-453-5738 to request accommodations.

Whitworth is a visiting instructor in the Department of Communication at the University of South Florida. He earned his doctorate in communication studies from SIU Carbondale in 2020.