November 19, 2021
More than 300 SIU Carbondale employees will be honored for their service
CARBONDALE, Ill. – Southern Illinois University Carbondale will recognize 307 employees for their service and commitment in a ceremony and reception on Tuesday, Nov. 30 in the Student Center Ballrooms.
The ceremony begins at 10 a.m. The faculty/staff appreciation coffee precedes the ceremony and will be from 8:30-10 a.m. in the Student Center’s International Lounge. SIU is committed to protecting the community, so all those attending must follow current campus and state pandemic safety protocols and wear masks in shared indoor spaces.
The event will honor employees with 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 years of service to SIU Carbondale. The employees have a combined total of 5,550 years of service to the university. There are 84 employees with 20 years of service, 45 employees with 25 years of service, 12 employees with 30 years of service, six employees with 35 years of service, three employees with 40 years of service and one employee with 45 years of service.
The following employees, listed by hometowns, years of service and departments, will be honored.
Alto Pass
- 15 years: Myron Curtis Albers, School of Agricultural Sciences.
- 10 years: Anton Castelli, Information Technology; Donald Owen Diemer, Family and Community Medicine—Physician Assistant Program; Derek Brandon McNelly, Information Technology; Natalie Kay Richardson, School of Health Sciences.
- 15 years: Diane Renee McIntyre, University Housing.
- 20 years: Barbara Helen Smith, School of Law; Troy Lynn Wiseman, Information Technology.
- 15 years: Ann M. Gilliam, University Housing.
- 20 years: Lea Jessica Jasmine Winters, Undergraduate Advisement.
- 25 years: Jeffrey D. Walker, Facilities and Energy Management.
- 25 years: Clarissa June Terbrak, Associate Provost for Academic Administration.
- 15 years: Jon Chris Kraft, Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Buffalo Grove
- 15 years: Carolyn Lee Mohr, School of Education.
Campbell Hill
- 15 years: Christina Lee Lawrence, SIU Extended Campus.
- 10 years: Kofi Akamani, School of Agricultural Sciences; Blake Irvin Anderson, Facilities and Energy Management; Mary Bricker, Languages, Cultures, and International Trade; Christina Marie Collins, Student Center; April Kathleen Hendley, Physics; Patrick Wayne Johnson, Facilities and Energy Management; Kristopher Anthony Marshall, Undergraduate Advisement; Shannon Sanders McDonald, School of Architecture; Josi Shay Rawls, Undergraduate Admissions; Amber Rivers, Financial Aid Office; Stacye Alline Saunders, Student Support Services; Joseph Paul Shapiro, English; Alison Anne Smith, Cinema and Photography; Brenden Meade Smith, Intercollegiate Athletics; Thomas D. Underwood, Information Technology; Sarah B. Vanvooren, Student Center; Robin W. Warne, School of Biological Sciences; John J. Warwick, School of Civil, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering.
- 15 years: Mavis Tandoh Adjei, School of Management and Marketing; Ira Jacob Altman, School of Agricultural Sciences; Nancy J. Beasley, School of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering; Kelly Sue Bender, School of Biological Sciences; Elery Michael Bendler, Facilities and Energy Management; Pinckney A. Benedict, English; Stephen Rhyne Bloom, Political Science; Patricia Ann Chalmers, School of Art and Design; Holly C. Cormier, Clinical Center; Gwyn C. Crawshaw, University Housing; Judith K. Davie, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Donald Ray Dinkins, University Housing; John Brian Matthew Geisler, School of Biological Sciences; Kimberly J. Goforth, Office of the Chancellor; Renada D. Greer, Dean of Students; Kathryn M. Griffith, Printing and Duplicating Service; Henry H. Hexmoor, School of Computing; Kara Elizabeth Huff Hartz, Fisheries and Illinois Aquaculture Center; Rodger P. Ivy, Department of Public Safety; Vicki L. Kreher, School of Journalism; Wago Lee Kreider, Radio, Television, and Digital Media; Kenneth Mulligan, Political Science; Susan G. Patrick Benson, Theater; Walter D. Ray, Library Affairs; Ulrich Helmut Reichard, Anthropology; Justin T. Schoof, School of Earth Systems and Sustainability; Rhetta M. Seymour, Vice Chancellor for Research; Jennifer Lynn Smith, Languages, Cultures, and International Trade; Vanessa Ann Sneed, Human Resources; Andrea Renee Steen, Anatomy; Gray H. Whaley, History; Rachel Bridges Whaley, Sociology; Hale Yilmaz, History.
- 20 years: George E. Boulukos, English; Anne Fletcher, Theater; Joseph Tobin Grant, Political Science; Daniel Patrick Hillyard, School of Justice and Public Safety; Hope Hines, Head Start Agency; Kamal M. Ibrahim, School of Biological Sciences; Carol L. Jackson, Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Angela Kay Johnson, School of Analytics, Finance and Economics; Stephen C. Jones, Information Technology; Adrian Krupa, School of Aviation; Jennifer Renee Langin, School of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering; Antyne Lester, Project Upward Bound; Michael James Lydy, School of Biological Sciences; Scott McClurg, School of Journalism; Wanki Moon, School of Agricultural Sciences; Donald Lee Morehead, Facilities and Energy Management; Peter Paul Mykytyn, School of Management and Marketing; Jay F. Needham, Radio, Television and Digital Media; Erik David Oberg, Touch of Nature; James W. Phegley, School of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering; Angela M. Reinoehl, School of Art and Design; Henri Uwe Schurz, School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences; Gary Robert Shafer, School of Aviation; Thomas E. Shea, MEDPREP/Medical Education Preparatory; Darren E. Sherkat, Sociology; Stephen C. Shih, Graduate School; Sheila Jeanne Simon, School of Law; Hussein Soliman, School of Human Sciences; Anthony Travelstead; Campus Mail Service; Susan E. Tulis, Library Affairs; Dale Hadley Vitt, School of Biological Sciences; Alison Watts, School of Analytics, Finance and Economics; Paul D. Welch, Anthropology.
- 25 years: Najjar Abdul-Musawwir, School of Art and Design; Lydia A. Arbogast, Physiology; Anne Kathleen Chandler, English; Michele A. Damian, University Housing; Peter Filip, Mechanical Engineering and Energy Processes; Sharon R. Granderson, Library Affairs; Kimberly Lynn Hawk, SIU Foundation; John Janecek, Institutional Research and Studies; Saliwe Kawewe, School of Human Sciences; Laura Klosterman Kidd, School of Architecture; John McSorley, School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences; Khalid Meksem, School of Agricultural Sciences; Kyaw Thet Naing, Family and Community Medicine—Carbondale; Thomas W. Price, Undergraduate Advisement; Michael C. Sullivan, School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences; Andrew J. Wood, School of Biological Sciences.
- 30 years: Robert E. Fox, English; Rebecca Jane O’Neill, School of Law; Patricia L. Perschbacher, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance; Edmund Riddle, Information Technology; Herbert Aaron Stearns, Campus Mail Service; Bernadette Marie Summerville, College of Liberal Arts.
- 35 years: Gerald E. Churchill, Facilities and Energy Management; Vijay K. Puri, School of Civil, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering; Mohammad R. Sayeh, School of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering; Jane Laurel Swanson, School of Psychological and Behavioral Sciences.
- 40 years: Jon Davey, School of Architecture; Lynn Andersen Lindberg, Office of Economic and Regional Development; Lester E. “Jak” Tichenor, Broadcasting Service.
- 10 years: Rachel Marie Brewster, New Student Programs; Carol Jo Greenlee, SIU Foundation; Thushari Jayasekera, Physics; Randall S. Murphy, Facilities and Energy Management.
- 15 years: Christopher W. Behan, School of Law; Tena M. Bennett, Student Center; Susan Marie Burnam, University Housing; Jaime Ann Clark, Student Health Services; Brian J. Croft, Touch of Nature; John R. Dorsey, Student Center; Akami Y. Eayrs, School of Law; Kathy L. McCabe, University Housing; Dana L. Roland, Office of Sponsored Projects Administration; Jon Eldredge Schoonover, School of Agricultural Sciences; Rebecca Stenhaug, Rainbow’s End; Elyse Michelle Weller, Financial Aid Office.
- 20 years: Greg Bouhl, Office of Economic and Regional Development; Renee A. Colombo, Human Resources; William Bradley Colwell, School of Education; Kendall Lee Hollister, Department of Public Safety; Nathan James Lincoln, School of Aviation; Jennifer Marie McKinnies, School of Health Sciences; Arun Subramanian, Information Technology; Thomas Robert Weber, Intercollegiate Athletics.
- 25 years: Bruce DeRuntz, School of Applied Engineering and Technology; Jeffrey Paul Garner, Center for Teaching Excellence; Cynthia Ann Yoakum Gerlock, Automotive
Technology; Lynn T. Gill, School of Human Sciences; Frederick John Gill, Facilities and Energy Management; Jason David Phillips, Student Health Services; Dena L. Stogsdill, College of Business and Analytics; Mark Kent Varns, Theater. - 35 years: Jeffrey Ray Tally, Office of Sponsored Projects Administration.
- 10 years: Candice Gayle Goins, Student Health Services.
- 15 years: Jason D. Crabb, Travel Service; Randy Lee Lange, School of Agricultural Sciences.
- 20 years: Anthony Calabrese, School of Human Sciences.
- 25 years: Bret B. Dougherty, Facilities and Energy Management; Reuben A. Hawkins, Facilities and Energy Management.
- 20 years: Thomas W. Harbert, Information Technology.
Creal Springs
- 10 years: Rachel Dawn Spolarich, School of Health Sciences.
De Soto
- 10 years: Paul Stanley Copeland, Dean of Students; Chris Charles Fuller, Facilities and Energy Management; Tamara J. Kirchner, School of Human Sciences; Robert G. Marlow, Office of Economic and Regional Development; Layla A. Murphy, College of Liberal Arts.
- 15 years: Miles E. Betts, University Housing; Jooil Lee, Information Technology; Deborah Ann Whitbeck, University Housing.
- 45 years: David A. NewMyer, School of Aviation.
Du Quoin
- 10 years: Brenda L. Green, School of Human Sciences; Angela D. Pavloff, Registrar’s Office.
- 15 years: Mary A. Dunmyer, School of Agricultural Sciences; Richard C. McKinnies, School of Health Sciences; Samantha Ann Schmidgall, Touch of Nature; Michael Gene Smith, Student Health Services.
- 20 years: Cara Marie Alongi, Bursar; Jody Lynn Fred, Undergraduate Admissions; Kymberlee Jill Mills, Library Affairs; Marsha Dawn Morgenstern, Student Health Services; Robert Kent Phipps, Center for International Education.
- 25 years: Dennis Wayne Hamburger, Facilities and Energy Management.
- 30 years: Kathy L. Krisfaluzy, Financial Aid Office.
- 10 years: Amy Lynn Tyner, School of Education.
- 15 years: Jeffrey Allen Holmes, Department of Public Safety; Rhonda Dean Radford, Center for English as a Second Language.
- 25 years: Jeff A. Goelz, Student Health Services.
- 10 years: Thomas Garrett Butler, Facilities and Energy Management.
- 15 years: Jamie Lee Radake, University Housing; Grace Ellen Ritter, University Communications and Marketing; Andrew Ryan Walker, Institutional Research and Studies.
- 20 years: Sandra K. Brown, SIU Foundation; Yavonne R. Field, Internal Auditor; Norma J. Mitchell, Office of Sponsored Projects Administration; Rae Lee Wolaver, Accounting Services.
- 25 years: Billie Jo Donas, Undergraduate Advisement; Janna M. Gharbawi, Head Start Agency; Sheila Scillufo, School of Biological Sciences.
- 30 years: Jean Rendleman Miner, Undergraduate Advisement.
- 30 years: Diane B. Korando, Linguistics.
Johnston City
- 10 years: Gary Ray Casey, Facilities and Energy Management; Ronald K. Nagrodski, School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences; James S. Poskevich, Facilities and Energy Management.
- 15 years: Nancy Lea Martin, School of Analytics, Finance and Economics; Kerry Eugene Wall, University Housing.
- 20 years: Darin Todd Barham, Office of Economic and Regional Development.
- 10 years: Terry L. Richardson, College of Engineering.
- 10 years: Levi W. Mayer, School of Human Sciences; Kathy J. Taylor, School of Health Sciences; Kathryn M. Waldyke, Family and Community Medicine—Physician Assistant Program.
- 15 years: Katy Barnett Green, SIU Foundation; Abigail Elisabeth Moberly, Head Start Agency; Barbara J. Tyler, Recreational Sports and Services; Dashun Xu, School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences.
- 20 years: Dunren Che, School of Computing; Rebecca A. Yancey, School of Biological Sciences; Taeho Yoh, School of Human Sciences.
- 25 years: John Paul Dunn, Center for Teaching Excellence; Martin A. Hebel, School of Aviation.
- 10 years: Deborah R. Barnett, Office of Economic and Regional Development; Sheila Lynn Baysinger, School of Architecture; Tayler DeLanie Hill, MEDPREP/Medical Education Preparatory; Treye Lynn Ward, Facilities and Energy Management; Joanna Wells, School of Law.
- 15 years: Megan Crosby, School of Education; Lorie Lynn Elsasser, University Housing; Rodney S. Emery, Information Technology; Mary J. Stark, Department of Public Safety.
- 20 years: Beverly Kay Baker, University Housing; Vicky Lynn Dasher, Education and Curriculum; Aimee Lynn Dasher, University Housing; Geoffrey William Geittmann, Department of Public Safety; Rachel Diane Richey, College of Business and Analytics; Ronda L. Williams, Facilities and Energy Management.
- 25 years: Jason Adam Bruce, University Communications and Marketing; William A. Henson, Facilities and Energy Management; Marilyn Jane Miller, School of Law Library.
Mount Vernon
- 20 years: Patrick William Dilley, School of Education.
- 15 years: Charles Ray Hanner, University Housing.
- 10 years: Verlie L. Alexander, University Housing; Danny L. Gould, Facilities and Energy Management; Michael A. Hopkins, University Housing; Melissa K. House, School of Biological Sciences; Chrisden Lolita Marshall, Head Start Agency; Bryan Wayne Pyatt, Department of Public Safety; Danielle Lynn Rains, Office of Sponsored Projects Administration; Michael A. Smith, Facilities and Energy Management; Mary J. Stoffel, Student Health Services; Hilary Mechell Wittenborn, Intercollegiate Athletics.
- 15 years: Kimberly Elisabeth Berger, Languages, Cultures, and International Trade; Jason C. Graff, Facilities and Energy Management; Patricia Ann Martens, School of Human Sciences; John William Miller, University Farms; Laura Morthland, School of Architecture; Laura Ann Rowald, School of Psychological and Behavioral Sciences.
- 20 years: Darrin Earl Baskin, Student Center; Staci Ann Batteau, Library Affairs; Cindy Galway Buys, School of Law; David D. Craig, Touch of Nature; Amy L. Eaton, Information Technology; Michael D. McCall, Facilities and Energy Management; William T. Pierson, Family and Community Medicine—Physician Assistant Program; Tina M. Price, Advanced Coal and Energy Research Center; Joyce Marie Schemonia, English; Luke Schumacher Schemonia, Facilities and Energy Management; Sedonia Darlene Sipes, School of Biological Sciences; Erin Noelle Troue, Office of the President; Lichang Wang, Chemistry and Biochemistry.
- 25 years: Misty K. Butler, Department of Public Safety; Cathy Lynne Lilley, College of Arts and Media; Paula D. McNeill, Family and Community Medicine—Physician Assistant Program; Keith Allen Rendleman, Facilities and Energy Management; Michele Lynn Tourville, School of Law.
- 30 years: Kerri C. Blaylock, Intercollegiate Athletics; Scott E. Bridges, Information Technology.
- 35 years: Rodney B. Collard, Automotive Technology.
Murphysboro Township
- 10 years: Freddie B. Brown, Facilities and Energy Management.
New Berlin
- 15 years: Brenda S. Witt, General Counsel and Legal Affairs.
- 20 years: Elizabeth Jean Cheek, Facilities and Energy Management.
- 25 years: Pamela Jean McGuire, University Housing.
- 10 years: Bart Baltrusis, Facilities and Energy Management.
- 10 years: Deborah L. Hutson, College of Health and Human Sciences.
- 15 years: Jenifer Chambless, Family and Community Medicine—
- 10 years: David Alan Sheets, School of Health Sciences.
- 15 years: Robert M. Patino, Office of Technology Transfer.
- 20 years: Wesley Gene McNeese, Office of the President.
- 10 years: Orville Henry Alms, Printing and Duplicating Service.
- 20 years: Christopher M. Vick, University Farms.
- 15 years: Alicia M. Lindhorst, School of Education.
- 10 years: Eric Mathew Yearian, Facilities and Energy Management.
Wayne City
- 15 years: Stanley B. Blank, School of Education.
- 20 years: Kim S. Kipping, School of Education.
Land O’Lakes
- 30 years: Michael L. Humphries, English.
- 10 years: Paula S. Croom, School of Justice and Public Safety.
- 15 years: William H. Freivogel, School of Journalism.
St. Louis
- 25 years: Stephen Craig Shulman, Political Science.
University City
- 10 years: Kristen M. Barber, Sociology.
Browns Mills
- 20 years: Cheryl R. Butters, School of Education.
- 15 years: Irene Ann Miller, School of Aviation.
San Antonio
- 15 years: Anthony Rogers, School of Justice and Public Safety.