October 15, 2020

Unemployment insurance claim fraud alert

Due to a recent rash of fraud penetrating state unemployment systems, all faculty and staff are urged to watch for any unusual mail from the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) and, if necessary, take steps to protect your identity and accounts.

In July, IDES announced it was investigating a nationwide fraud scheme impacting each state’s Federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program.

If you receive communications from IDES, such as a debit card with benefits or an Unemployment Insurance Finding Letter, and you have not filed an unemployment claim, you may be a target of identity theft.

SIU Carbondale is taking a number of steps to try to prevent and stop this fraud. However, if you believe you are a victim, then you must report it as soon as possible to protect yourself at IDES Reporting Unemployment Insurance Fraud. You can also call the IDES office at 800-814-0513 and receive a call back. 

Additional information is available at: 

  • Fraud Penetrating All State Unemployment Systems, IDES Taking Steps to Detect, Mitigate and Pursue Fraudsters.
  • IDES Partnering with IDFPR, Financial Institutions to Combat Unemployment Fraud.
  • Illinois Attorney General Identity Theft Hotline. 

Please email Human Resources at hrrecords@siu.edu with additional questions.