Piecing it together – Plant and Service Operations carpenters, from left, John Moss, William Drone and Lamont Harkins, work on putting acrylic shield dividers together for use in authorized areas on campus. Carpentry shop employees spent several days earlier this month developing a custom template to make the dividers. (Photo by Russell Bailey)
May 29, 2020
PSO ingenuity produces acrylic shield dividers
Utilizing ingenuity and hard work, Plant and Service Operations carpentry shop employees are making acrylic shield dividers for use in authorized areas on campus and at the School of Medicine in Springfield.
As the university started work on a reintegration plan for faculty, staff and students to return, PSO began trying to acquire the same type of plastic dividers for use in areas where a high number of people congregate. It was quickly determined that those dividers were not readily available and very expensive, said Brad Dillard, PSO director. Carpentry shop employees then spent several days earlier this month developing a custom template to make the dividers – and produced at about half the price. Dividers can be built in about 15 minutes.
Dillard anticipates the dividers will be made for the next several weeks for use in authorized areas on campus. They will be provided upon request for high-traffic reception areas. Office directors can make requests through their vice chancellors.