September 23, 2019

Mandatory Ethics training begins Oct. 1

Mandatory 2019 annual ethics training for all SIU Carbondale faculty, staff, graduate assistants, volunteers, student employees, and extra help employees takes place Oct. 1-31 on the Desire2Learn (D2L) platform.  School of Medicine employees who are on the Carbondale campus will complete training using HealthStream. 

As state employees, we have a duty to conduct ourselves in a manner that will maintain and strengthen the public’s trust and confidence in the integrity of Southern Illinois University. Furthermore, we are obligated to follow state law, which includes the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act. Annual ethics training is a state law requirement and a condition of your employment. The training program is intended to familiarize you with the laws and rules that apply to functions you perform on behalf of the University and the State of Illinois. 

To log in, enter your SIU ID (siu85XXXXXXX) or SIU email address and NetID password. After logging in, you will find the “Southern Illinois University Ethics training 2019” course in “My Courses” on your D2L homepage. A quick reference guide for accessing the training is available on the Labor and Employee Relations website

If you experience technical problems accessing the training or if you have questions about ethics training, please contact your campus ethics training assistant, Tracy Bennett, at, or 618/453-2474.  If you have an ethics concern, please contact the university ethics officer, Michelle Taylor, executive director of compliance and ethics, at or 6 18/536-3461, at the system office. 

For more information, go to the SIU Ethics website.