February 27, 2019
“Lifting as We Climb” Women’s Leadership Conference coming to SIU next month
CARBONDALE, Ill. — Southern Illinois University Carbondale is sponsoring a two-day women’s leadership retreat and community partners are invited to participate.
“Lifting as We Climb: Empowering Women through Community and Leadership” is the theme of the leadership enrichment and personal development event scheduled for March 29-30 at Touch of Nature Environmental Center.
All students can attend
While the focus is on undergraduate and graduate female students, all students are welcome to attend. Participants will have the chance to get acquainted and bond with one another as they explore nature and participate in interactive discussions, networking sessions and personal development activities. Guest speakers and panelists will also be featured.
The emphasis is on coalition building and helping students hone their leadership skills to help them better communicate their messages and work in partnership with the community.
Registration now open
The $20 registration fee includes transportation to and from the Student Center, lodging, refreshments and meals. Scholarships are also available. Participants must sign up in advance; no registrations will be accepted at the door.
Registration and additional information are available online, or call 618/536-7751.
Community support appreciated
The retreat is a collaborative effort involving many units across campus. Event sponsors include the Division of Student Affairs, Touch of Nature Environmental Center, the Success in Engineering through Excellence and Diversity academic support program and the Women’s Resource Center.
Community support and donations are welcomed. Contact Rebecca Dycus at 618/536-7751 or by email at rdycus@siu.edu to learn more about contributing to the event.
A fundraising event will be at at Pagliai’s Pizza in Carbondale on Sunday after the Saluki women’s basketball game. A portion of the restaurant’s proceeds that evening will go to the retreat.