October 02, 2018

Media advisory – SIU laser experts available for interviews

This year’s Nobel Prize in physics honors three researchers who use light to make tools and conduct research. Media members who would like to talk with experts on such techniques are invited to contact researchers at Southern Illinois University Carbondale who use lasers in their research in a similar fashion.

The following researchers are available for interviews:

Gary Kinsel, professor of chemistry and biochemistry. Kinsel can be reached at 618/453-6482 or gkinsel@chem.siu.edu.

Matt McCarroll, professor of chemistry and biochemistry and director of the SIU Fermentation Science Institute. McCarroll can be reached at 618/453-7508 or mmccarroll@siu.edu.

Sean Moran, assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry. Moran can be reached at 618/453-6484 or smoran@chem.siu.edu.

Poopalasingam Sivakumar, assistant professor of physics. Sivakumar can be reached at 618/453-5257 or psivakumar@siu.edu.