March 20, 2018
Lecture on transgender and intersex athletes tomorrow – Media Advisory
Alice Dreger, an award-winning scholar, researcher and writer on sex and gender issues, will present “Who Should Count as a Woman on the Playing Field? The Question of Intersex and Trans in Sports.” at 5 p.m., March 21, in the SIU School of Law courtroom, Room 108, in Carbondale.
The lecture is part of the 2018 John and Marsha Ryan Bioethicist-in-Residence series, and part of the university’s Women’s History Month celebration and the SIU system-wide Diversity Week. The presentation will be simulcast to the SIU School of Medicine in Springfield.
The lecture is free and the public is welcome.
For more information or to arrange interviews contact Diane Regan, the law school’s interim director of communication and alumni outreach, at 618/453-8768. For the lecture in Springfield, contact Karen Carlson at 217/545-2155.
While in Southern Illinois, Dreger will meet with the combined ethics committees of local hospitals that comprise Southern Illinois Healthcare on March 22. She will then travel to Springfield and the SIU School of Medicine where she will meet with medical students and faculty at 9 a.m., March 23.
The lecture in Springfield will look at issues associated with medical and surgical intervention related to “normalizing” non-normal bodies, particularly in children.
This is the law school’s 13th bioethicist-in-residence lecture, and the 11th since John C. and Dr. Marsha G. Ryan endowed the visiting lecture series. Founded in 2006, The John & Marsha Ryan Bioethicist-in-Residence program supports an annual residence and lecture by a law or medicine ethics scholar for the SIU schools of law and medicine.