January 29, 2018
CTE to host Turnitin demonstration on Feb. 6
The Center for Teaching Excellence will host a demonstration of Turnitin’s Feedback Studio at 2 p.m., Feb. 6 in Morris Library, Room 180.
Instructors can learn how to reduce the feedback time with students by using this tool available to everyone on campus. Faculty will have an opportunity to learn the workflow and best practices to receive instant and targeted feedback that helps improve your students’ writing and editing process. Stephanie Stocks from Turnitin will provide a demonstration of the feedback studio.
TurnItIn is an online comprehensive solution for grading assignments and preventing plagiarism. This software is available to everyone through mycourses.siu.edu (D2L).
Participating in the workshop is easy. The workshop is available in the computer lab in Morris Library, Room 180, or following along from your home using this weblink. There will be door prizes for those attending the workshop.
For more information, contact Karla Berry, CTE director, at k.berry@siu.edu.