January 23, 2018
Career Services events set to assist students
CARBONDALE, Ill. – Southern Illinois University Carbondale has some upcoming events to help students hone their resumes, sharpen their interviewing skills and line up potential job opportunities.
Career Services is sponsoring several events over the next two months to assist students. For more information on these events, or for faculty and staff who are interested in being involved, contact Jaime Conley-Holt, career development coordinator, Career Services, at 453-1036 or jbcholt@siu.edu.
The events are:
Feb. 11 – 6:30-9:30 p.m., Suit-Up Event
J.C. Penney, University Mall, Carbondale
Co-sponsored by J.C. Penney, students and family members receive an extra 40 percent off select men’s and women’s career dress apparel and shoes. Sephora and the Salon, inside the store, are providing giveaways and free makeovers. Students must show their SIU ID to receive a special discount card.
Feb. 13-15 – 10 a.m. -2 p.m., Walk-up Resume Critiques
Student Center, North Hallway
Career Services will offer brief resume critiques to all students. Bring a printed copy of your resume and receive immediate feedback. Career Services staff will be available to help refine and revamp your resume for three days. Faculty and staff can also get involved by sending Career Services any advice to share with students in your major. Send resume tips and samples for your field to careerservices@siu.edu for us to include your thoughts when working with students.
Feb. 20 – 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Job and Internship Fair
Student Center Ballrooms
The Job and Internship Fair is open to students in all academic programs. Students are required to dress professionally for this event. Students in need of professional attire may attend the J.C. Penney event on Feb. 11 or visit our professional clothing closet. Admission is free for students and alumni. Students should bring their SIU ID and multiple copies of their resume.
March 27 – 2-4 p.m., Speed Interviewing
Student Services Building, Room 150-170
This is an opportunity for students to brush up on their interviewing skills and receive “on-the-spot” feedback regarding your skills from real employers in a “speed-dating-like” circuit. Faculty and staff are also welcome to participate as interviewers.
April 3 – 5-7 p.m., Etiquette Dinner
Student Center Ballrooms
Learn the fine rules of dining while practicing networking skills. This will help students develop confidence and the knowledge needed to impress a prospective employer during a meal interview. Faculty and staff are also invited to attend to the dinner and provide advice. The cost for the five-course meal is $15 per person. Registration for the dinner is on the Career Services website.