October 19, 2016
SIU to host English teachers from 23 countries
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- The Center for English as a Second Language at Southern Illinois University Carbondale will host a group of 25 English teachers from 23 countries later this month for a two-week foray into American culture.
The group is part of FHI 360, a nonprofit human development organization serving in more than 70 countries and in every state and U. S. territory. The State Department’s Bureau of Educational Affairs sponsors the group’s visit.
The teachers will be on campus Oct. 28-Nov. 12 as part of the “English Access Microscholarship Teacher Workshop” and professional development training. The goal is to give the participants first-hand knowledge of the United States, with focus on cultures and values and the ideals of democracy. The teachers will better be able to integrate cultural lessons into English language lessons for their students when they return home.
Students in the program are from the following countries: Algeria, Burkina Faso, Brazil, Cambodia, China, Egypt, El Salvador, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Nepal, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Russia, South Africa, Tanzania, Tajikistan, Thailand, Ukraine and Vietnam.
The Center for English as a Second Language is part of the Department of Linguistics. It offers an intensive English program for speakers of other languages, typically those who plan to attend universities in the United States or to pursue professional careers. The immersive program has a long history of success.
For more information about the workshop or to inquire about interviewing students, contact Emily Harding Hunt at ehunt@siu.edu.