September 28, 2016

Media Advisory -- Compost Facility Open House

Southern Illinois University Carbondale will showcase its Forced Aeration Compost Facility at an open house from 2 to 6 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 29.

Reporters, photographers and news crews are welcome to cover the event. The University Farms facility is located at 3689 W. Pleasant Hill Road, on the north side of the road, just west of Union Hill Road. Featured speakers will include Interim Chancellor Brad Colwell.

University Housing, Plant and Service Operations, the Sustainability Office and the College of Agricultural Sciences and its University Farms are all involved in the project. The forced aeration process takes food waste from campus dining halls, combines it with other appropriate campus waste materials and converts it into processed compost for use where needed at SIU.

For more information about the facility or other sustainability efforts at SIU, visit, call 618/453-2846 or email