February 25, 2016
Students can learn from the ‘Intern Queen’
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- Whether the goal is getting a foot in the door of their dream jobs or becoming their own bosses, students at Southern Illinois University Carbondale will soon have the opportunity to learn from one of the nation’s leading young professionals and entrepreneurs.
Lauren Berger, best-selling author and the founder and CEO of Intern Queen, Inc., a website that helps students find and apply for internships, will host a workshop and give a keynote presentation on Tuesday, March 1, at the Student Center. Her visit is sponsored by the SIU Alumni Association’s Student Alumni Council, with some funding from the Undergraduate Student Government.
Berger will present her workshop, “How I Hustle,” at 5 p.m. in the Student Center’s Mississippi Room. The keynote, “Get Internships. Succeed After College,” is at 7 p.m. in the Student Center Auditorium. Refreshments will be available after the presentation while supplies last.
Pre-registration is necessary for the workshop. Register online at siualumni.com/internqueen. The workshop and keynote presentation are free.
All SIU Carbondale students who attend the keynote presentation will be entered into a drawing for a professional development gift basket, which includes a $100 Macy's gift card, a voucher to attend a Career Services' Etiquette Dinner, SIU lapel pin, padfolio, and other items.
Student members of the SIU Alumni Association will receive three tickets to enter into the drawing. Students must show their membership card at the registration table to receive the extra tickets. Students may also become members at the event and get three tickets for the drawing.
For more information, contact Emily Spann at emilys@alumni.siu.edu or the Association’s main office at 618/453-2408. For information about the Student Alumni Council visit www.siualumni/sac.