February 15, 2016
Cheerleading pre-tryout clinic set for April 2
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- Southern Illinois University Carbondale will host a Saluki Cheerleading Pre-Tryout Clinic for any high school or college student interested in becoming a member of the SIU cheerleading squad.
The clinic is set for 9 a.m. to 2 pm. on Saturday, April 2, at Davies Gym. Check-in is at 8:30 a.m. and the $55 registration fee covers instruction, a T-shirt, snacks and lunch.
The registration deadline is March 25. Sign up online at www.conferenceservices.siu.edu or by calling SIU Conference and Scheduling Services at 618/536-7751. You can also fax the completed registration form, available online, to 618/453-5680. All participants must have a completed athletic camp medical release form (http://conferenceservices.siu.edu/forms.html) on file with Conference and Scheduling Services prior to the beginning of the clinic.
For more information, contact Karl Brown at 618/367-4534 or by email at kbrown@siu.edu. Or, visit www.siusalukis.com/ot/silu-cheerleaders.html.