August 25, 2015

Fall conference schedule announced

by Christi Mathis

CARBONDALE, Ill. -- Southern Illinois University Carbondale’s Continuing Education and Outreach is coordinating a variety of conferences this semester. 

The events take place at several locations on- and off-campus and will be of interest to different audiences. 

The conference schedule, along with a brief description of each conference, who the likely participants are, and other pertinent information, includes: 

  • The 19th annual Southern Illinois Education Law and Labor Conference will take place on Sept. 23 at the Student Center Ballrooms at SIU. The theme of this year’s event is “The Future of Illinois Public Education: The Role of Charters and Privatization.” Noelle Ellerson of the American Association of School Administrators is the keynote speaker. Sara Boucek, associate director/legal counsel for the Illinois Association of School Administrators will also speak. The conference includes panel discussions and small group presentations relating to the latest education law developments. The event is a professional development and networking opportunity for principals, superintendents and other school administrators as well as school board members from across Southern Illinois. Teachers, school service personnel, students and interested community members are also welcome. It begins with registration at 8 a.m. and concludes at 3 p.m. Educators can earn professional development credits for participating. The cost is $60 for SIU students and faculty or $90 for current professionals from preschool to grade 12. The fee also includes a catered lunch. The deadline to register is Sept. 15.
  • The Dental Professionals Seminar is Oct. 23 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the SIU Student Center Auditorium and International Lounge. Dentist, dental hygienists and other dental professionals and teams will participate in the event with the theme “A Complete Guide to Treating Dental Patients with Food Allergies and Intolerances.” Ellen Karlin, nutrition consultant and author, is the featured speaker and will present several different sessions. There will also be exhibits, workshops and other activities. Participants qualify for continuing education credits. The price ranges from $40 to $100 depending upon the status of participants as students or professionals and whether they are members of the American Dental Hygiene Association. The registration deadline for participants is Oct. 9; for exhibitors it is Sept. 18.
  • The Illinois Association of Institutional Research’s 45th Annual Forum is set for Oct. 29-30 at the Decatur Conference Center and Hotel in Decatur. The organization promotes post-secondary institutional research and shares information about research methods and content as well as providing a forum for researchers to meet and share. The registration fee, which includes three meals, refreshments, IAIR membership and conference materials is $195. Graduate students can attend for a reduced price.
  • The 48th annual Fertilizer and Pesticide Conference, a Southern Illinois Fertilizer and Pesticide Board event, takes place from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Nov. 24 at the Holiday Inn in Mt. Vernon. Individual registration is $40 until Nov. 18 or $50 thereafter; SIU students may attend for $20. Fees also vary for contributors or exhibitors. The conference will feature various information and display.  

Find registration details and more information for each conference online at Or, call 618/453-7751.