July 23, 2015
Office of Diversity and Equity oversees compliance training
The Office of Diversity and Equity, which reports to the Office of the Associate Chancellor for Institutional Diversity, is now responsible for all aspects of federal compliance training for employees and students. That means the office receives and investigates complaints of all cases of sexual harassment, sexual assault, forcible fondling, stalking, and dating/domestic violence; it provides, coordinates and tracks attendance for all New Student Bystander Intervention Trainings and 3rd Millennium Online Trainings; and provides, coordinates and tracks attendance for all Violence Against Women Act/Title IX Trainings, both in person and online.
Other responsibilities of the office include: receives/investigates complaints of all cases of discrimination; receives/investigates complaints of all cases of retaliation; provides campus trainings on sexual harassment, discrimination and ADA compliance; co-chairs the SIU Sexual Assault Response Committee; supports the ADA Task Force and the ADA Advisory Committee; and monitors all safe.siu.edu crime reports.