June 18, 2015
Media Advisory – Flooding, Ag Experts Available
With heavy rains and predicted flooding in the region, several Southern Illinois University Carbondale experts are available to media pursuing stories on these issues.
Below is a listing of possible topics with corresponding names and contact information for SIU researchers:
Nicholas Pinter, professor of geology
Office phone: 618/453-7375
Cell phone: 618/203-0656
Email: npinter@geo.siu.edu
Impact on Agriculture
For agricultural stories, please note that email is the preferred method of contact. You may also call the College of Agricultural Sciences office at 618/453-2469, and someone there will assist you in contacting our faculty members.
Rebecca Atkinson, associate professor of animal science, food and nutrition
Email: ratkinson@siu.edu
Jason Bond, professor of plant, soil and agricultural systems
Email: jbond@siu.edu
Dwight Sanders, professor of agribusiness economics
Email: dwights@siu.edu;