October 30, 2014
SIU will celebrate non-traditional students
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- Southern Illinois University Carbondale will celebrate National Adult Student Recognition Week with a variety of special activities, beginning Monday, Nov. 3. The celebration runs through Nov. 7.
The university has more than more than 5,600 undergraduate and graduate students classified as non-traditional and each day will focus on a particular segment of the group.
On Monday, from 8 to 10 a.m., visitors are invited to stop by the Non-Traditional Student Services office in the Student Services Building Room 484 for a cup of coffee or hot cocoa and learn more about the resources the office provides. The kick-off event, from 3 to 4 p.m. in Student Services Building Room 150, will feature remarks by Andy Morgan, acting associate dean of students. There will also be short presentations by Paul Copeland, coordinator of Veterans Services and Deborah Barnett, coordinator of Non-Traditional Student Services. A non-traditional student will share their experiences at SIU.
Other events during the week, which includes open houses, will feature recognition of parenting students, returning adult and commuter students, a celebration of diversity and SIU’s international students. On Wednesday, Nov. 5, the new Veteran Lounge in Woody Hall Room B202 will officially open during a Veterans Services open house from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Student veterans will receive recognition during this event. The lounge is a place where veterans can relax and interact with other veterans. Refreshments will be available.
Additional information and the complete schedule of events is at www.nontrad.siu.edu. To learn more about Non-Traditional Student Services, visit www.nontrad.siu.edu, call 618/453-7521 or email nontrad@siu.edu. Find out more about Veterans Services at www.veterans.siu.edu , calling 618/453-1335 or by email at vets@siu.edu.
The university’s Veteran and Non-Traditional Student advisory team coordinates National Adult Student Recognition Week. The programs are a collaborative effort involving Career Services, Child Development Laboratory, Center for International Education, Extended Campus, Graduate and Family Housing, Morris Library, Non-Traditional Student Services, Rainbow’s End Child Development Center, Veterans Services and WSIU Public Broadcasting.