January 16, 2014
Darwin Week Art Contest entries sought
Entries are being sought for the Darwin Week Art Exhibit in the Student Center Art Ally.
The activity is to celebrate science and the work of Charles Darwin and commemorate his 205th birthday on Feb. 12. Photos and art exhibits should illustrate themes in evolution that show examples of adaptation and/or selection inspired in Darwin’s quote from ‘The Origin of Species,’ – “from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.” The contest runs Feb. 4 through Feb. 14.
First prize is $100; second prize is $50, and third-place receives $25. The reception and award ceremony is Feb. 13.
The submission deadline is 4:30 p.m., Feb. 3. Ready-to-display art with a printed and completed submission form should be sent to the Department of Plant Biology, Life Science II, room 420. Visit darwinweek.siu.edu/EndlessForms for more information and submission instructions.