November 12, 2012
Fertilizer and Pesticide Conference is Nov. 20
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- The Southern Illinois Fertilizer and Pesticide Board’s 45th Annual Fertilizer and Pesticide Conference will take place on Tuesday, Nov. 20, at the Holiday Inn in Mt. Vernon.
Elwynn Taylor, professor of ag meteorology at Iowa State University, will present the keynote address. A well-known climatologist, Taylor will provide information about weather patterns and cycles to help people in the agriculture field make educated decisions about their individual operations.
Other topics featured in the conference include: updates on regulations and legislation impacting the agribusiness industry, the benefit of cover crops for retailers, fertilizer recommendations following a drought year, potential for herbicide carryover to 2013, and weed management.
For more information, or to register for the conference, contact Southern Illinois University Carbondale’s Continuing Education and Outreach at 618/536-7751 or visit