September 13, 2012

Dental professional seminar is Oct. 12

by Kristen George

CARBONDALE, Ill. -- The Southern Illinois University Carbondale Dental Hygiene Program is sponsoring a one-day seminar for dental professionals on Oct. 12.

The event takes places from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the University's Student Center. Featured speakers include dentists Dr. Sara Gordon and Dr. William Y. Gregg. Gordon, an oral pathologist, will present "The Oral Physician: Selected Systemic Diseases and Dentistry," offering clinical cases to illustrate her message. Gregg's afternoon session presentation is entitled "How to Listen So Patients Will Talk, and Talk So Patients Will Listen."

The seminar will explore how other diseases and dentistry intersect, the levels of patient treatment and what is appropriate and much more. There will also be exhibits from various dental companies highlighting their products and services.

The registration fee is $100 for professional or $80 for current American Dental Hygienists' Association members when they submit a copy of their membership card with their registration. The cost is $40 for current full-time SIU Carbondale students or 2012 graduates of the University's Dental Hygiene Program.

To register, or for more information, visit the University's Continuing Education and Outreach website at or call 618/536-7751.