August 22, 2012


RETIREES, June 2012

  • David M. Adams, director, Rehabilitation Institute-SIU Carbondale; 26 years of service.
  • Ray M. Adams, laboratory animal care coordinator.  Office of Sponsored Projects Administration-SIU Carbondale; 27 years of service.
  • David R. Allabastro, assistant, electronics engineering.  Technology-SIU Carbondale; 27 years of service.
  • William B. Ashby, specialist II, computer systems operations.  Information Technology-SIU Carbondale; 38 years of service.
  • Ellen A. Auld, administrator, office.  Student Development-SIU Carbondale; 27 years of service.
  • Frank J. Barb, maintenance laborer.  Physical Plant Service-SIU Carbondale; 17 years of service.
  • Robert E. Bateman, Jr., assistant manager.  Human Resources-SIU Carbondale; 27 years of service.
  • Thomas H. Beebe, director.  Office of Military Programs-SIU Carbondale; 22 years of service.
  • Gary S. Beer, specialist, senior library.  Library Affairs-SIU Carbondale; 28 years of service.
  • Neal A. Behrens, building service sub-foreman.  Physical Plant Service-20 years.
  • John J. Benshoff, interim dean. College of Education and Human Services and professor, Rehabilitation Institute-SIU Carbondale; 24 years of service.
  • Gary R. Bernhardt, computer systems operations specialist II. Information Technology-SIU Carbondale; 27 years of service.
  • Ruth E. Bernhardt, manager. Human Resources, 34 years of service.
  • John D. Bogard, horticulturist, University Farms-SIU Carbondale; 28 years of service.
  • Radmila Bogdanich, assistant to the chair, department.  Psychiatry-School of Medicine, Springfield; 18 years of service.
  • Charles E. Boucher, programmer II, applications.  Student Health Services-SIU Carbondale; 17 years of service.
  • Gregory J. Brewer, professor.  Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Cell Biology-School of Medicine, Springfield; 32 years of service.
  • Gordon C. Bruner II, professor.  Marketing-SIU Carbondale; 28 years of service.
  • Dennis E. Burks, worker, building service.  Physical Plant Service-SIU Carbondale; 26 years of service.
  • Gary J. Butson, associate professor.  Civil and Environmental Engineering-SIU Carbondale; 20 years of service.
  • Patricia A. Caporale, aide, administrative.  School of Law-SIU Carbondale; 25 years of service.
  • Joyce A. Carmody, technician II, account.  SIU HealthCare Patient Business Services-School of Medicine, Springfield; 12 years of service.
  • Donald M. Caspary, professor.  Pharmacology-School of Medicine; 40 years of service.
  • Jerry R. Cave, agricultural research technician, assistant; University Farms-SIU Carbondale; 25 years of service.
  • Willie J. Cave-Dunkel, academic adviser, Aviation Technologies, and field representative. ASA Aviation Management and Flight-SIU Carbondale; 26 years of service.
  • Sylvia A. Chalem, clinical assistant instructor.  ASA School of Allied Health-SIU Carbondale; 31 years of service.
  • Kathy L. Claunch, laborer, food service sanitation.  University Housing-SIU Carbondale; 19 years of service.
  • Jerry A. Colliver, professor.  Statistics and Research Consulting-School of Medicine, Springfield; 31 years of service.
  • Deborah K. Combs, assistant the chair, Family and Community Medicine.  Family and Community Medicine CORE-School of Medicine, Springfield; 23 years of service.
  • Brenda S. Cooley, specialist, office support.  Office of Sponsored Projects Administration-SIU Carbondale; 20 years.
  • Morris D. Cooper, professor.  Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Cell Biology-School of Medicine, Springfield; 40 years of service.
  • Jamie K. Corr, director, assistant program.  University Housing-SIU Carbondale; 22 years of service.
  • Patricia A. Cosgrove, assistant director.  Information Technology-SIU Carbondale; 27 years of service.
  • Charlene M. Cox, assistant, clerical.  SIU HealthCare Patient Business Services-School of Medicine, Springfield; 15 years of service.
  • Sheila A. Crippen, nurse II, licensed practical.  Student Health Services-SIU Carbondale; 12 years of service.
  • Susan D. Dallas, aide, administrative.  Cooperative Wildlife Research Lab-SIU Carbondale; 31 years of service.
  • Morteza Daneshdoost, professor.  Electrical and Computer Engineering-SIU Carbondale; 28 years of service.
  • Wallace N. Davidson, professor. Finance-SIU Carbondale; 22 years of service.
  • Harry O. Davis, assistant professor. Library Affairs-SIU Carbondale; 25 years of service.
  • John C. Davis, Jr., executive assistant for internal and regional Affairs. University-wide Services-SIU University-wide Services; 12 years of service.
  • Marta A. Davis, assistant professor, Library Affairs-SIU Carbondale; 23 years of service.
  • Rebecca K. DeFord, specialist, medical education programs.  Internal Medicine-School of Medicine, Springfield; 25 years of service.
  • Stacey J. Dill, aide, administrative.  Neurology Clinic-School of Medicine, Springfield; 28 years of service.
  • Kathy A. Diuguid, helper, cooks.  University Housing-SIU Carbondale; 18 years of service.
  • Debbie L. Doneghue, accountant II.  Accounting Services-SIU Carbondale; 30 years of service.
  • Jeannie M. Donelan, nurse II, licensed practical.  Neurology Clinic-School of Medicine, Springfield; 22 years of service.
  • Wanda J. Donkin, specialist, academic contract.  Human Resources-SIU Carbondale; 15 years of service.
  • Pamela Durso, clerk, administrative.  Graduate School-SIU Carbondale; 25 years of service.
  • Mildred P. Duty, sub-foreman, building service.  Physical Plant Service-SIU Carbondale; 24 years of service.
  • Jane A. Elders, manager, office.  Cooperative Wildlife Research Lab-SIU Carbondale; 30 years of service.
  • Gayle Y. England, assistant I, administrative.  Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs-SIU Carbondale; 27 years of service.
  • Nancy Esling, specialist I, collection.  Bursar-SIU Carbondale; 32 years of service.
  • Robert M. Ewart, associate professor family and community medicine.  Family and Community Medicine-School of Medicine, Springfield; 16 years of service.
  • Paul R. Fauke, engineer, stationary.  Physical Plant Service-SIU Carbondale; 24 years of service.
  • George Feldhamer, professor.  Environmental Studies and Zoology-SIU Carbondale; 27 years of service.
  • Joseph G. Ferguson, engineer, building operating.  Capital Planning and Service Operations-School of Medicine, Springfield; 22 years of service.
  • Richard H. Fifarek, associate professor.  Geology-SIU Carbondale; 27 years of service.
  • Richard E. French, Jr., director, information technology.  Information Resources-School of Medicine, Springfield; 31 years of service.
  • Lyle D. Fuchs, operator III, instructional communications.  Cinema and Photography-SIU Carbondale; 27 years of service.
  • June L. Fuson, clerk, chief.  SIU Foundation Carbondale-SIU Carbondale; 29 years of service.
  • Glafkos D. Galanos, chairperson.  Electrical and Computer Engineering-SIU Carbondale; 25 years of service.
  • Roseanne Gard, aide, administrative.  Geography and Environmental Resources-SIU Carbondale; 34 years of service.
  • Linda D. Gassel, aide, administrative.  College of Mass Communication and Media Arts-SIU Carbondale; 24 years of service.
  • Elizabeth Gernay, specialist, office support.  Education and Curriculum-School of Medicine, Springfield; 12 years of service.
  • Brenda O. Gilbert, director, Clinical Center, and associate professor, Psychology-SIU Carbondale; 25 years of service.
  • Pamela J. Gilley, analyst II, systems and procedures.  Enrollment Technology Services-SIU Carbondale; 28 years of service.
  • Barbara E. Grace, lecturer.  Curriculum and Instruction-SIU Carbondale; 32 years of service.
  • Brandon F. Greene, professor.  Rehabilitation Institute-SIU Carbondale; 33 years of service.
  • Mary Ellen Hammond, aide, administrative.  SIU HealthCare Core-School of Medicine-Springfield; 21 years of service.
  • Susan C. Hannaman, assistant I, administrative.  Office of the President-SIU President’s Office; 7 years of service.
  • April K. Hannant, manager, office.  Pediatrics-School of Medicine, Springfield; 32 years of service.
  • Peter Hardwicke, professor.  Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-School of Medicine, Carbondale; 27 years of service.
  • Bettina L. Harris, nurse II, licensed practical.  Pediatrics Clinic-School of Medicine, Springfield; 17 years of service.
  • Alice L. Havey, nurse II, licensed practical.  Pediatrics Clinic-School of Medicine, Springfield; 23 years of service.
  • James R. Hawker, photographer III, scientific.  External and Health Affairs-School of Medicine, Springfield; 19 years of service.
  • Marilyn A. Haworth, assistant I, administrative.  College of Mass Communication and Media Arts-SIU Carbondale; 27 years of service.
  • Wayne P. Heern, specialist, academic contract.  Human Resources-SIU Carbondale; 18 years of service.
  • Pamela A. Helfert, specialist, grants and contracts development.  Research and Faculty Affairs-School of Medicine, Springfield; 11 years of service.
  • Latricia E. Helfrich, assistant I, administrative.  Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance-SIU Carbondale; 21 years of service.
  • Carol A. Henry, budget director.  Budget Office-SIU Carbondale; 33 years of service.
  • Brenda L. Henze, administrator office.  Alzheimer’s Disease Center-School of Medicine, Springfield; 24 years of service.
  • Christine Diane Hobrock, clerk, staff.  SIU HealthCare Coding-School of Medicine, Springfield; 20 years of service.
  • Kathryn L. Hollister, assistant director.  Recreational Sports and Services-SIU Carbondale; 29 years of service.
  • Sharon K. Honey, manager, office.  ASA School of Allied Health-SIU Carbondale; 25 years of service.
  • Anita Hutton, interim director, Enrollment Management, and assistant to the dean, College of Liberal Arts-SIU Carbondale; 26 years of service.
  • Kimberly A. Jaros, nurse II, administrative.  Student Health Services-SIU Carbondale; 31 years of service.
  • Marilynn A. Johnson, associate, information technology systems.  SIU HealthCare Information Systems-School of Medicine, Springfield; 10 years of service.
  • Roy H. Joy, counseling psychologist.  Counseling Center-SIU Carbondale; 26 years of service.
  • Robert W. Kaps, professor.  ASA Aviation Management and Flight-SIU Carbondale; 25 years of service.
  • Patricia A. Kelley, nurse II, licensed practical.  Pediatrics Clinic-School of Medicine, Springfield; 22 years of service.
  • Joyce E. Killian, professor.  Curriculum and Instruction-SIU Carbondale; 30 years of service.
  • Maryon F. King, associate professor.  Marketing-SIU Carbondale; 25 years of service.
  • Sheryl S. King, professor.  Animal Science Food and Nutrition-SIU Carbondale; 28 years of service.
  • Ora E. Kirsch, field representative. Undergraduate Admissions-SIU Carbondale; 13 years of service.
  • Gary P. Kolb, dean and professor, College of Mass Communication and Media Arts, and acting dean, College of Engineering-SIU Carbondale; 32 years of service.
  • Debbie Latoza, assistant I, administrative.  College of Applied Sciences and Arts-SIU Carbondale; 27 years of service.
  • Lee A. Lemmon, helper, cooks.  University Housing-SIU Carbondale; 25 years of service.
  • Sharon L. Leonard, administrator, office. University College-SIU Carbondale; 33 years of service.
  • Thomas J. Leverett, senior lecturer.  Center for English as a Second Language-SIU Carbondale; 17 years of service.
  • Phillip A. Lindberg, assistant director.  International Students and Scholars-SIU Carbondale; 33 years of service.
  • Fred E. Logue, engineer, building operating.  Capital Planning and Service Operations-School of Medicine, Springfield; 24 years of service.
  • Shirley K. Longlett, assistant professor of family and community medicine.  Family and Community Medicine-Quincy-School of Medicine, Springfield; 17 years of service.
  • Paul D. Lucas, clerk, shipping/receiving.  Procurement Services-SIU Carbondale; 21 years of service.
  • Donald E. Lyerla, foreman, carpenter.  Physical Plant Service-SIU Carbondale; 22 years of service.
  • Lu L. Lyons, specialist, graduate school.  Graduate School-SIU Carbondale; 31 years of service.
  • Brian B. Mager, assistant II, administrative.  Traffic and Parking-SIU Carbondale; 24 years of service.
  • Kathryn A. Mahaffey, director, clinical operations.  SIU HealthCare Core-School of Medicine, Springfield; 23 years of service.
  • Vivak M. Malhotra, professor.  Physics-SIU Carbondale; 28 years of service.
  • Marjorie M. Malkin, professor.  Health Education and Recreation-SIU Carbondale; 23 years of service.
  • Michael M. Mangan, engineer, senior.  Physical Plant Service-SIU Carbondale; 26 years of service.
  • Vicky K. Matthews, assistant, library.  Medical Library-School of Medicine, Springfield; 16 years of service.
  • Janice D. Mayo, aide, administrative.  ASA School of Allied Health-SIU Carbondale; 33 years of service.
  • William J. McCollum, worker, building service.  Physical Plant Service-SIU Carbondale; 25 years of service.
  • Charlotte A. McPeek, specialist, office support.  Pediatrics-School of Medicine, Springfield; 7 years of service.
  • John E. McPherson, Jr., professor.  Zoology-SIU Carbondale; 43 years of service.
  • Jewel C. Melito, associate, office support.  Internal Medicine-School of Medicine, Springfield; 24 years of service.
  • Elizabeth D. Merkley, nurse II, staff.  Student Health Services-SIU Carbondale; 18 years of service.
  • Effadale Miller, clerk, administrative.  Family and Community Medicine, Carbondale-School of Medicine, Springfield; 15 years of service.
  • Theresa L. Mills, administrator, office.  Department of Public Safety-SIU Carbondale; 26 years of service.
  • Yasoda Modali, physician.  Student Health Services-SIU Carbondale; 33 years of service.
  • Linda J. Morrison, coordinator, assessment program.  Education and Curriculum-School of Medicine, Springfield; 24 years of service.
  • Jack Musgrave, interim director.  Evaluation and Developmental Center-SIU Carbondale; 27 years of service.
  • Nancy L. Nicholson, specialist III, web.  Plant and Service Operations-SIU Carbondale; 24 years of service.
  • Linda K. Odle, technician II, account.  ASA Aviation Technologies-SIU Carbondale; 27 years of service.
  • Melinda Orum, nurse II, licensed practical.  Neurology Clinic-School of Medicine, Springfield; 19 years of service.
  • Carol A. Osborne, clerk, administrative.  Research Services-School of Medicine, Springfield; 24 years of service.
  • Terry A. Owens, interim dean, College of Applied Sciences and Arts, and director, School of Architecture-SIU Carbondale; 17 years of service.
  • Mary Ann Payne, career services specialist, School of Law-SIU Carbondale; 17 years of service.
  • Elbert T. Penn, sub-foreman, building service.  Recreational Sports and Services-SIU Carbondale; 23 years of service.
  • Victoria L. Peter, analyst, senior applications.  Human Resources-SIU Carbondale; 34 years of service.
  • Mickey Sue Peveler, instructor.  Curriculum and Instruction-SIU Carbondale; 19 years of service.
  • Debra K. Pfeiffer, storekeeper II.  ASA Aviation Management and Flight-SIU Carbondale; 20 years of service.
  • Marilyn B. Pickrell, specialist, office support.  Surgery-School of Medicine, Springfield; 8 years of service.
  • Leslie Randolph, specialist, office support.  Alzheimer’s Disease Center Clinic-School of Medicine, Springfield; 35 years of service.
  • Susan M. Redding, nurse, clinic.  Internal Medicine Clinic-School of Medicine, Springfield; 31 years of service.
  • Mary Kay Reed, instructor of clinical surgery.  Surgery-School of Medicine, Springfield; 29 years of service.
  • Pamela Kaye Reed, programmer III, systems.  Information Technology-SIU Carbondale; 28 years of service.
  • Rebecca J. Reed, academic adviser.  College of Science-SIU Carbondale; 17 years of service.
  • Donna M. Reels, administrator, office.  General Counsel and Legal Affairs-SIU University-wide system.  15 years of service.
  • Roberta M. Reeves, specialist.  Center for Teaching Excellence-SIU Carbondale; 29 years of service.
  • Marilyn J. Richards, programmer III, systems.  Information Technology-SIU Carbondale; 29 years of service.
  • Larry J. Rigg, clinical psychologist.  School of Social Work-SIU Carbondale; 7 years of service.
  • David A. Robinson, specialist III, University Press facility; University Press-SIU Carbondale; 22 years of service.
  • Udomluk Roosevelt, supervisor, child development.  Rainbow’s End-SIU Carbondale; 25 years of service.
  • Debra L. Sailliez, manager, office.  ASA Physician’s Assistant Program-SIU Carbondale; 30 years of service.
  • Martha P. Samples, administrator, office.  College of Applied Sciences and Arts-SIU Carbondale; 32 years of service.
  • Arthur H. Scheffer, engineer, stationary.  Physical Plant Service-SIU Carbondale; 15 years of service.
  • Dee Ann Scott, supervisor, ambulatory care.  Surgery Clinic-School of Medicine, Springfield; 21 years of service.
  • Barbara Lynn Shelow, manager I, business.  Continuing Education-School of Medicine, Springfield; 13 years of service.
  • Joy L. Sheppard, manager, office.  Anatomy-School of Medicine, Carbondale; 22 years of service.
  • Robert L. Simpson, chief academic adviser.  College of Education and Human Services Advisement Office-SIU Carbondale; 28 years of service.
  • Deborah-Lynn Slater, assistant, ambulatory care.  SIU HealthCare Coding-School of Medicine, Springfield; 26 years of service.
  • Connie L. Small, administrator, office.  Graduate School-SIU Carbondale; 33 years of service.
  • Julie M. Smith, accountant II.  Psychiatry-School of Medicine, Springfield; 28 years of service.
  • Lizzie M. Smith, laborer, kitchen.  University Housing-SIU Carbondale; 17 years of service.
  • Kenneth W. Sneed, lieutenant, police.  Department of Public Safety-SIU Carbondale; 26 years of service.
  • Julie S. Sobery, associate professor.  Accountancy-SIU Carbondale; 29 years of service.
  • Scott J. Spector, professor and distinguished scholar.  Mathematics-SIU Carbondale; 31 years of service.
  • Leslie K. Steiner, accountant, assistant chief.  Comptroller-School of Medicine, Springfield; 27 years of service.
  • Deirdre J. Stokes, technician II, account.  SIU Foundation Carbondale-SIU Carbondale; 28 years of service.
  • Daniel M. Stover, information technology manager/administrator.  Budget Office-SIU Carbondale; 26 years of service.
  • Theodore R. Sunder, professor of clinical pediatrics.  Pediatrics-School of Medicine, Springfield; 18 years of service.
  • Suresh K. Tadisina, associate dean, College of Business, and professor, Management-SIU Carbondale; 26 years of service.
  • Darrell W. Taylor, associate professor.  Rehabilitation Institute-SIU Carbondale; 20 years of service.
  • Carol A. Thomas, specialist, office support.  Surgery-School of Medicine, Springfield; 23 years of service.
  • Harry W. Treece, II, specialist IV, computer systems operations.  Information Technology-SIU Carbondale; 30 years of service.
  • L. Sue Treece, administrator, office.  Sociology-SIU Carbondale; 20 years of service.
  • Teresa A. Ullman, officer, admissions and records.  Transfer Student Services-SIU Carbondale; 22 years of service.
  • Kounosuke Watabe, professor.  Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Cell Biology-School of Medicine, Springfield; 27 years of service.
  • Misako Watabe, researcher I.  Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Cell Biology-School of Medicine, Springfield; 19 years of service.
  • Paula E. Wilkerson, coordinator, program.  University Housing-SIU Carbondale; 25 years of service.
  • Ava J. Wills, clerk, administrative.  ASA Off-Campus Academic Programs-SIU Carbondale; 32 years of service.
  • Robert J. Wilt, physician.  Student Health Services-SIU Carbondale; 21 years of service.
  • Carolyn M. Winget, sub-foreman, building service.  University Housing-SIU Carbondale; 25 years of service.
  • C. Anne Winston-Allen, chairperson.  Foreign Languages and Literatures-SIU Carbondale; 20 years of service.
  • Mildred J. Woodside, technician II, account.  Accounting Services-SIU Carbondale; 16 years of service.
  • Martha J. Woodward, associate, office support.  ASA Off-Campus Academic Programs-SIU Carbondale; 18 years of service.
  • Jane E. Workman, professor.  ASA School of Architecture-SIU Carbondale; 22 years of service.

NEW HIRES, June 2012

  • Katherine Adams, extra help general clerical.  SIU HealthCare Call Center-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Autumn Anthony, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Project Upward Bound-SIU Carbondale.
  • Daniel Ashby, associate, information technology.  SIU HealthCare Core-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Joseph Atwood, extra help clerical/secretarial.  Financial Aid Office-SIU Carbondale.
  • Allison Backus, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Theater-SIU Carbondale.
  • Rodger Baldwin, extra help technical/paraprofessional.   Theater-SIU Carbondale.
  • Robert Bateman, extra help professional non-faculty.  Health Education and Recreation-SIU Carbondale.
  • Jerome Beane, assistant coach.  Intercollegiate Athletics-SIU Carbondale.
  • Jacob Behan, extra help service/maintenance.  Library Affairs-SIU Carbondale.
  • Robin Blanc, academic adviser.  ASA Off-Campus Academic Programs-SIU Carbondale.
  • Mariah Brandon, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Project Upward Bound-SIU Carbondale.
  • Janelle Briggs, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies-SIU Carbondale.
  • Autumn Brown, extra help clerical/secretarial.  Graduate School-SIU Carbondale.
  • Jacob Buckenmyer, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Theater-SIU Carbondale.
  • Rickey Bump, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • James Burt, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • Clinae Campbell, extra help professional/non-faculty.  School of Social Work-SIU Carbondale.
  • Molli Carlyle, nurse, clinic.  Pediatrics Clinic-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Pratima Chalasani, instructor of clinical internal medicine.  Internal Medicine-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Mary Chapman, practitioner, nurse.  Student Health Services-SIU Carbondale.
  • Fanny Chu, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Chemistry and Biochemistry-SIU Carbondale.
  • Katharine Clarizio, extra help general clerical.  Research and Faculty Affairs-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Jessica Cox, nurse, clinic.  Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Kristen Crain, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • Alysha Daly, extra help professional non-faculty.  Curriculum and Instruction-SIU Carbondale.
  • Swapna Devanna, instructor of clinical internal medicine.  Internal Medicine-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Emilio Edwards, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Chemistry and Biochemistry-SIU Carbondale.
  • Benjamin Elwood, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice-SIU Carbondale.
  • Marlene Fisher, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • Johnathan Flowers, extra help professional non-faculty and extra help service maintenance.  Health Education and Recreation-SIU Carbondale.
  • Lisa Fort, extra help professional non-faculty.  Health Education and Recreation-SIU Carbondale.
  • Vanessa Frost, extra help clerical/secretarial.  Graduate School-SIU Carbondale.
  • Tobin Fuller, visiting assistant professor.  Workforce Education and Development-SIU Carbondale.
  • Kevin Gallagher, visiting assistant professor.  Workforce Education and Development-SIU Carbondale.
  • Amy Gamber, extra help clerical/secretarial.  Rehabilitation Institute-SIU Carbondale.
  • Chunqi Gao, researcher I.  Physiology-School of Medicine, Carbondale.
  • Craig Giovacchini, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Curriculum and Instruction-SIU Carbondale.
  • Jillian Gottlieb, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Theater-SIU Carbondale.
  • Joshua Gray, extra help service/maintenance.  Library Affairs-SIU Carbondale.
  • Katie Greenwood, aide II, ambulatory care.  Plastic Surgery Clinic-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Marsha Griffiths, extra help professional non-faculty.  Project Upward Bound-SIU Carbondale.
  • Scott Grundy, guard, security.  Capital Planning and Service Operations-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Kaylee Gund, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Chemistry and Biochemistry-SIU Carbondale.
  • Jaclyn Hadfield, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Recreational Sports and Services-SIU Carbondale.
  • Erin Hascup, research associate.  Alzheimer’s Disease Center-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Kendall Harris, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • Brian Heine, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-School of Medicine, Carbondale.
  • James Heisner, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Theater-SIU Carbondale.
  • Essence Henderson, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Chemistry and Biochemistry-SIU Carbondale.
  • Renesha Henderson, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Chemistry and Biochemistry-SIU Carbondale.
  • Lisa Hensley, specialist, office support.  Internal Medicine-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Jennifer Hermanson, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • Steven Hesler, extra help professional non-faculty.  Health Education and Recreation-SIU Carbondale.
  • Samina Hise, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • Mary Hubbard, extra help professional non-faculty.  Health Education and Recreation-SIU Carbondale.
  • Irvin Jean-Charles, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Project Upward Bound-SIU Carbondale.
  • Harry Jennings, visiting instructor.  Workforce Education and Development-SIU Carbondale.
  • Kaitlyn Johnson, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • Betsy Jones, medical insurance representative.  SIU HealthCare Patient Business Services-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Carol Jones, specialist, office support.  Pediatrics-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • James Jones, extra help professional non-faculty.  Health Education and Recreation-SIU Carbondale.
  • Samantha Jowers, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • Shaqvon Joyner, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • Debra Kessler, specialist, office support.  SIU HealthCare Core-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Casey Kidd, foreman, grounds.  Physical Plant Service-SIU Carbondale.
  • Gabriel King, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • Maggie Korando, extra help clerical/secretarial.  Student Health Services-SIU Carbondale.
  • Lindsay Lucido, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • Bopanna Kalappa, research associate.  Pharmacology-School of Medicine-Springfield.
  • Courtney Krebs, extra help scientific research.  Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Cell Biology-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Eric Larsen, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  University Farms-SIU Carbondale.
  • Caleb Lusk, extra help professional non-faculty.  Project Upward Bound-SIU Carbondale.
  • Corbin Mapes, extra help scientific research.  Cancer Institute-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Anthony Marchetti, visiting instructor.  Workforce Education and Development-SIU Carbondale.
  • Beth Marcoot, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • Kendrick Mast, visiting instructor.  Workforce Education and Development-SIU Carbondale.
  • Nathan Mast, coordinator of operations (basketball).  Intercollegiate Athletics-SIU Carbondale.
  • Michelle Mathon, nurse, clinic.  Plastic Surgery Clinic-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Katina Mattingly, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Chemistry and Biochemistry-SIU Carbondale.
  • Mallory May, specialist I, reimbursement coding.  SIU HealthCare Coding-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Angela Meads, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • Phillip Meyer, guard, security.  Capital Planning and Service Operations-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Miguel Meza, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Chemistry and Biochemistry-SIU Carbondale.
  • Kevin Moore, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • Georgia Mueller, specialist, statistical research.  Research and Faculty Affairs-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Samantha Myers, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Theater-SIU Carbondale.
  • James Naughton, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • Antonio Nappo, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Theater-SIU Carbondale.
  • Autumn Norville, extra help clerical/secretarial.  Clinical Center-SIU Carbondale.
  • Rachael Nyilas-Blasko, medical insurance representative.  SIU HealthCare Patient Business Services-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Melissa Olsen, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Theater-SIU Carbondale.
  • Evan Owens, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Theater-SIU Carbondale.
  • Daisy Patino, extra help clerical/secretarial.  ASA School of Allied Health-SIU Carbondale.
  • Jaclyn Patterson, extra help professional non-faculty.  Curriculum and Instruction-SIU Carbondale.
  • David Perry, extra help professional non-faculty.  Health Education and Recreation-SIU Carbondale.
  • Durga Devika Relangi, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Mining and Mineral Resources Engineering-SIU Carbondale.
  • Jessica Rickert, specialist, office support.  Psychiatry-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Katherine Ridenour, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • John Riley, extra help skilled crafts.  Physical Plant Service-SIU Carbondale.
  • Sandra Rivera, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  College of Applied Sciences and Arts-SIU Carbondale.
  • Jacinta Robinson, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • Luisa Danjou Roldan, extra help clerical/secretarial.  College of Applied Sciences and Arts-SIU Carbondale.
  • Daniel Roth, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Fisheries and Illinois Aquaculture Center-SIU Carbondale.
  • Nikia Rush, aide II, ambulatory care.  Internal Medicine Clinic-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Natasha Santacrose, specialist I, reimbursement coding.  SIU HealthCare Coding-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Madeline Shaffer, extra help clerical/secretarial.  Mining and Mineral Resources Engineering-SIU Carbondale.
  • Corey Shannon, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • Rebekah Sims, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • Eric Sirota, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • Cecilia Smith, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Chemistry and Biochemistry-SIU Carbondale.
  • Kindra Smith, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • Janice Snodgrass, research development coordinator.  Research and Faculty Affairs-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Sean Stout, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice-SIU Carbondale.
  • Anna Sullivan, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • Audrey Sweet, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Forestry-SIU Carbondale.
  • Katherine Talbott, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Cooperative Wildlife Research Lab-SIU Carbondale.
  • Rachel Tate, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Geology-SIU Carbondale.
  • Yee Pin Tio, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • Anne Townsend, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • Amanda Turner, nurse, clinic.  Internal Medicine Clinic-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Jenna Wheeler, extra help service/maintenance.  Touch of Nature-SIU Carbondale.
  • Sierra White, extra help technical/paraprofessional.  Theater-SIU Carbondale.
  • Barbara Williams, nurse, clinic.  Internal Medicine-School of Medicine, Springfield.
  • Charity Williams, extra help service/maintenance.  Rainbow’s End-SIU Carbondale.