February 29, 2012
Closing the Gap Conference set for March 23
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- Don’t miss out on the chance to be a part of the Closing the Gap Conference on March 23.
The 10th annual conference from The Southern Illinois P-20 Education Alliance, which includes Southern Illinois University Carbondale, is for all those who serve as educators in pre-k through college programs and it will offer strategies and techniques. Elementary, high school, college, and university faculty as well as future teachers will have the opportunity to attend workshops and breakout sessions targeted to meet their needs. The Closing the Gap Conference will be at John A. Logan College in Carterville from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Maryanne Wolf, professor in the Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Development at Tufts University, will present this year’s keynote address. She is also the director of the Center for Reading and Language Research and is the John DiBiaggio Chair in Citizenship and Public Service. Her expertise is in the areas of dyslexia, cognitive neurosciences, cognition, developmental psycholinguistics, reading development and intervention.
The course fee is $60 for professionals and $20 for undergraduate students. For professionals registering after March 8, the course fee will be $75. All registrations are due no later than March 19. Professionals can receive six Continuing Professional Development Units for participating.
For registration or more information, contact the SIU Carbondale Division of Continuing Education at 618/536-7751 or visit https://www.dce.siu.edu/. The website includes the brochure and all details about the event.