(Photos by Andrea Hahn)
February 29, 2012
Ten questions with ... Lorilee C. Huffman
Job on campus/department you work in: Curator of Collections/Development Officer, University Museum
How long at SIU Carbondale: 34 years
Hometown: Springfield, IL
When you were a youngster, what did you want to be when you grew up? A librarian, but working at the museum is not far, except that I catalog objects instead of books.
People don’t know that you … Lived in a schoolhouse for 20 years.
If you could choose another profession, what would it be and why? A party planner, as I do enjoy developing a theme and providing all that goes with it, from décor to food.
What is something you still want to accomplish in life? Drive the west coast of North America, from the Baja Peninsula to Alaska.
What is one random fact about you? I could easily be a hoarder, but working at the museum curbs this tendency as I have more than 70,000 objects to enjoy every day without taking up space in my own home!
Cats or dogs? Throughout my life I have always had a variety of animals from the feathered to the furred, but I have always had a good dog, and I cannot see myself without one.
What is your favorite food and why? A good pie; need I say more?
Who has inspired you, and how? Those who believe in and support museums by recognizing their value in preserving the past and present for the future.
What is your pet peeve? People who don’t give a 100 percent commitment to what they do.
What would you like your gravestone to say about you? She believed it was more important to give than to receive.