Angie Royal

 (Photos by Andrea Hahn)

September 21, 2011

Ten questions with ... Angie Royal

Job on campus/department you work in: Director of New Student Programs

How long at SIUC:  9 1/2 years

Hometown: Marissa, Ill.

People don’t know that you … Almost drowned in my car that was swept off the road into a flooded creek during a heavy rain in 1993.  My husband (whom I had just started dating at the time) reached in and pulled me out, just as the last pocket of air in the car filled with water.  He reminds me of this often… especially when I’m nagging him.

If you could choose another profession, what would it be and why? If I could choose another career, I would most definitely be a lawyer.

What is something you still want to accomplish in life? I hope to obtain my Ph.D. and to travel to Italy and Ireland.

What was the first “album” you ever bought, and was it an LP, 8-track or CD? Don’t be jealous, but I had a portable 8-track player.  My 8-tracks included Alvin and the Chipmunks, Kenny Rogers, The Commodores, and The Eagles.

What is one random fact about you? I learned how to read when I was three, which sparked my lifelong love of learning.

Cats or dogs? We are animal lovers in my house, so I love both!  I have a dog (Clementine), two cats (Louie and Lacy), and even a robo dwarf hamster (Nugget).

Who has inspired you, and how? My daughter, Lauryn, inspires me to be the best me I can be.  I strive every day to be worthy of her love and in turn, hope to inspire her to chase her dreams, no matter how big they are.

What is your pet peeve? I cannot stand laziness or a sense of entitlement.  If you don’t work hard, you shouldn’t reap the benefits.


What would you like your gravestone to say about you? She did more than exist, she lived.  She did more than lead, she inspired.  She did more than care, she loved.

Favorite cartoon character? Why? Without a doubt, Mickey Mouse.  Definitely a classic that transcends time.