August 30, 2011

‘Edutainment’ sessions focus on civility

by Christi Mathis

CARBONDALE, Ill. -- Southern Illinois University Carbondale is celebrating Week of Civility with a number of special activities this week.

University Housing, the Black Togetherness Organization (BTO) and Residence Hall Association (RHA) are hosting nightly “edutainment” sessions each at 7 p.m. in the lower level of Grinnell Hall.  The sessions offer students a look at how the theme of “civility” can play out in various situations they may encounter at SIUC and beyond.

Here’s the schedule and brief description for the nightly presentations from today (Aug. 30) through Thursday, Sept. 1:

            •  Tuesday, Aug. 30 -- Civility and out-of-class involvement will feature representatives from various student leadership groups (including RHA, BTO, Black Affairs Council, Undergraduate Student Government and Greek and non-Greek Registered Student Organizations) speaking about the benefits of involvement in such organizations and of maintaining a balance between activities in and out of class.

            •  Wednesday, Aug. 31 -- Civility and legal/judicial interaction will bring together representatives of area law enforcement agencies including the SIUC Department of Public Safety, the Carbondale police and Illinois State Police, along with student legal advocates including SIU Ombudsman and Students’ Legal Assistance.  They will present important information and discuss expectations and what occurs when students are involved in judicial matters whether on or off campus.

            •  Thursday, Sept. 1 -- Civility and proactive interaction with campus resources features Peter Gitau, associate vice chancellor and dean of students, and representatives from Career Services and Financial Aid along with a career adviser.  They will offer ideas for students to be proactive and yet civil when working with these offices and their personnel.