April 28, 2011
Bestselling author Da Chen to speak on campus
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- Da Chen earned a spot on the New York Times’ bestseller list and has been featured in a variety of television programs, magazines and major newspapers. Now he is coming to Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
“Looking into Multicultural Mirror: A Conversation with Da Chen,” is set for 7 p.m. on May 2 in the Student Center’s Ballroom D. Admission is free and everyone is welcome at the program.
Student Programming Council Lectures and Multicultural Programs and Services are presenting the conversation with Da Chen, author of the bestselling memoir, “Color of the Mountain.” Chen spend his childhood as a barefoot boy in the muddy fields of deep southern China, riding water buffaloes and living a rather primitive lifestyle in a tiny village where water came from a well teeming with snakes. Chen’s grandfather was a disgraced landowner resulting in communist political persecution of the entire family.
But Chen’s story is one of overcoming poverty and persecution thanks to love, friendship, an encounter with a Christian Baptist professor who showed him another world, and his hard work. He excelled in college, becoming an English professor and then coming to America at age 23 with just $30. He won a full scholarship to attend Columbia University School of Law and after graduation began working in a Wall Street investment banking firm. “China’s Son” is the children’s adaptation of “Color of the Mountain” and both are award-winners. He has also authored other fiction and non-fiction books for adults and youths.
For more information about Da Chen or his presentation, see his website at http://www.dachen.org/ or contact SPC (www.spc4fun.com) at 618/536-3393 or by email at spc@spc4fun.com.