March 29, 2011
Saluki First Year programs set for April
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- Saluki First Year, the Southern Illinois University Carbondale program designed to help new SIUC students become fully engaged in the University community, presents two programs in April.
On April 5, 7-10 p.m., in Lower Level Grinnell Hall, students have a chance to discuss and learn about the “Anxiety of Moving Back.” As the academic year draws to a close, many first-year students are both excited and nervous about returning home for the summer. They may be wondering how things have changed at home, or how those close to them will perceive the changes they themselves have undergone. In keeping with this year’s theme, “The Storm Remembered: Tragedies and Triumphs of Katrina,” participants will examine this preparation to return home in light of the experiences of Hurricane Katrina survivors faced with returning to communities changed by the hurricane and its aftermath.
On April 7, first-year students have a special invitation to an Asian American Heritage Month event. The Intersections Brown Bag Lunch discussion, “Hurricane Katrina and Asians,” begins at noon in the Corinth Room of the Student Center. Students and members of the University and area communities will consider Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, and the particular effects on the Asian communities affected by the hurricane.
Saluki First Year offers resources connecting students to the campus community and helps them create academic and social networks, strengthen their professional and personal skills and forge friendships and connections, according to Saluki First Year co-directors Julie Payne Kirchmeier, director of University Housing, and Mark Amos, associate professor of English.
For more information about Saluki First Year, visit, call 618/453-1828 or email To stop in for a visit, go the Saluki First Year offices in Faner Hall, Room 3341.