October 04, 2010
Nathan Douds Ensemble to present clinics, concert
CARBONDALE, Ill. -- The School of Music at Southern Illinois University Carbondale presents two days of percussion and electro-acoustic music when the Nathan Douds Ensemble comes to town in October.
The events begin with a Nathan Douds Ensemble clinic at 7:30 p.m. on Oct. 7 in Altgeld Hall, Room 117.
The next day, Oct. 8, sees a full roster of events:
• 11 a.m. -- audio software clinic, Altgeld Hall, Room 114
• 11 a.m. -- jazz guitar clinic, Altgeld Hall, Room 117
• Noon -- percussion clinic, Altgeld Hall, Room 112
• Noon -- saxophone clinic, Altgeld Hall, Room 117
• 1 p.m. -- MAX/MSP introductory clinic, Altgeld Hall, Room 114
• 1 p.m. -- jazz piano clinic, Altgeld Hall, Room 117
• 7:30 p.m. -- Nathan Douds Ensemble concert, Altgeld Hall, Room 112
Douds, an adjunct faculty member at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania and a freelance percussionist, pianist and composer, teaches jazz percussion and piano, and coaches percussion and a steel pan ensemble. His performance schedule takes him into a variety of musical genres, with such artists as Joe Lovano, the Cleveland Jazz Orchestra, the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra, the Diamonds, the Coasters, the Warren Philharmonic Orchestra and other touring musical productions. He is a founding member, along with SIUC’s Ron Coulter, and Craig Hill, of the Percussion Art Ensemble, an eclectic performance and education-based trio.
The individual members of the ensemble bring divergent backgrounds in musical education and experience, resulting in an ensemble that presents avant-garde and improvisational music hand-in-hand with classical and chamber music, rock and fusion along with world music and electro-acoustic music.
The ensemble includes: Daniel Bruce, guitar; Justin Endler, saxophone; Kurt Kotheimer, bass; Jason Kush, saxophone; and Dan Murphy, piano.
This is a Student Fine Arts Activity Fee-sponsored event.